Writers Guild: It's Time for Tougher Net Regs
The Writers Guild of America West, which was already on the record supporting a Title II approach to new network neutrality regs added its voice to those concerned about Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler's preference for an approach using existing authority to create new rules that pass muster with the courts.
In a letter to Chairman Wheeler signed by almost 250 showrunners and creators, the guild "implored" the FCC to keep the 'net open and free. They are particularly troubled that the FCC's new rules will allow paid prioritization or discrimination among Internet traffic.
"If Net Neutrality is neutered, the Internet will become like cable television," they wrote. "A few corporate gatekeepers such as Comcast will be allowed to decide what content consumers can access and on what terms. The danger is that blocking, discrimination and paid prioritization could occur."
Writers Guild: It's Time for Tougher Net Regs