Is your internet service unreliable? There may be fiber in your future.

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Fiber-optic internet (often just known as “fiber”) can be staggeringly faster than the DSL, cable or satellite internet connections that many Americans rely on. It’s also pretty uncommon, relatively speaking. According to a January study from the Fiber Broadband Association, 43 percent of US households can access fiber internet service — but that may soon start to change. Between a presidential push to expand high-speed internet access and a handful of recent broadband funding announcements from different agencies, fiber service could become much more readily available. That’s especially valuable for corners of the country where reliable internet access is hard to find. But who’s going to bury all these new cables in the ground? And what does any of this mean for you? Here’s what you should know about fiber internet and how the government’s internet-for-all push could affect you.

Is your internet service unreliable? There may be fiber in your future.