FCC Seeks Input on How to Combat Digital Discrimination
March 17, 2022
The Federal Communications Commission opened a proceeding on how to prevent and eliminate digital discrimination to ensure that everyone has equal access to broadband internet access service. The Notice asks for comment on how to implement provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that require the FCC to combat digital discrimination, and to promote equal access to broadband across the country, regardless of income level, ethnicity, race, religion, or national origin.Specifically, the FCC seeks input on the following questions:
- What rules the FCC should adopt to facilitate equal access to broadband internet access service and prevent digital discrimination;
- What other steps the FCC should take to eliminate digital discrimination;
- What data the FCC should rely on as it considers the issue of digital discrimination; and
- How the FCC should revise its public complaint process to accept complaints related to digital discrimination.
FCC Seeks Input on How to Combat Digital Discrimination FCC Asks for Public Input on Eliminating Digital Redlining (C|Net)