The FCC Broadband Mapping Fabric

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You’re going to hear a lot in the next few months about the Federal Communications Commission's broadband mapping fabric. This blog describes what that is and describes the challenges of getting a good mapping fabric. The first set of broadband map challenges will be about the fabric, and I’m not sure the FCC is ready for the deluge of complaints they are likely to get from every corner of the country. I also have no idea how the FCC will determine if a suggestion to change the fabric is correct because I also don’t think communities can count passings perfectly. This is not the only challenge. There are going to be challenges of the coverage areas claimed by internet service providers. The big challenge, if the FCC allows it, will be about the claimed broadband speeds. If the FCC doesn’t allow that they are going to get buried in complaints. I think the National Telecommunications and Information Administration was right to let the dust settle on challenges before using the new maps.

The FCC Mapping Fabric