VCTI Launches Broadband Map Integrity Service to Assist States, Localities, Schools, and Others to Challenge FCC Broadband Maps

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The Broadband Map Integrity service is a new offering is designed to help states, municipalities, schools, and other interested parties to quickly and efficiently submit challenges to the recently-released FCC maps, the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric (Fabric), that will inform the allocation of $42.5 billion in BEAD (Broadband Equity Access and Deployment) grants. Current estimates place map inaccuracies at around one-to-two percent, which could translate to three million underserved households being excluded from the final maps. One fundamental challenge is the variability in how addresses are captured in the myriad of government systems, such as tax records, and within the FCC Fabric. Leveraging their expertise and suite of geospatial tools, the VCTI Broadband Map Integrity solution normalizes the addresses to map to the Fabric, and identifies missing and misclassified locations.

VCTI Launches Broadband Map Integrity Service to Assist States, Localities, Schools, and Others to Challenge FCC Broadband Maps