Juneteenth and the Digital Divide

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For me, Juneteenth has always lived at the intersection of joy and sorrow. It highlights a systemized violation of human rights in our country. Throughout history, access to information has always been used as a tool of oppression, with the knowledge that it can also liberate. A modern form of institutional oppression is digital inequity. Under-resourced communities, often comprised of people of color, don't always have the same access to affordable internet, devices and digital proficiency as in more affluent communities, thus limiting employment opportunities, healthcare, banking, education and social connections. The parallels between digital inequity and Juneteenth are undeniable. As we work toward digital access for all - access to technology along with the skills to use it to our benefit - we take the chains off opportunity and open up the world for individuals, families and communities. 

Juneteenth and the Digital Divide