Concerns with the 5G Fund

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I've identified some concerns with the order for the new 5G Fund for Rural America that will provide $9 billion to improve rural cellular coverage. The Rural Wireless Association (RWA), which represents smaller cellular companies, recently sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission that claimed the FCC cellular maps are still highly inaccurate. I live in Western North Carolina, and rural cellular coverage around me is terrible, but when I look at the rural cellular coverage around me on the FCC map it’s hard to find unserved areas. Another big problem: The FCC is not pausing to give citizens and local governments a chance to challenge the cellular map. In fact, the FCC might only issue the final map of areas eligible for the funding 30 days before the auction begins. This is a big oversight. If the RWA is right about poor maps, then the public should be given a chance to make sure that areas without adequate cellular coverage are included in the 5G Fund.

Concerns with the 5G Fund