Hawaii Releases Information on BEAD Application Process

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The University of Hawaii Broadband Office (UHBO) is offering guidance for organizations putting together applications for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. The applications are due on the last day of January. Hawaii was awarded $149 million in the program. There are eight RFPs, split between unserved/underserved locations and community anchor institutions. All have a 25% matching requirement. The application deadline will be followed by a proposal review period from February 1 to February 6. Issuance of “best and final offer (BAFO) Locations” is slated for February 14 and the contractor selection and award date is April 14, though it is subject to National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) approval. The selection criteria for Hawaii’s BEAD applications are points-based, with a total of 365 points possible:

  • Minimal BEAD outlay: Up to 150 points (split between request funding amount and proposed match amount)
  • Affordability: Up to 100 points
  • Fair and safe labor practices: Up to 75 points 

Hawaii Releases Information on BEAD Application Process