Digital Equity Capacity in New Mexico
In its State Digital Equity Plan, the New Mexico Office of Broadband Access and Expansion (OBAE) embraces digital equity to ensure that every person in New Mexico has equal opportunities to access education, health care, job prospects, government services, and information critical to personal growth and well-being. On October 25, 2024, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded OBAE over $8 million through the Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program to implement the strategies and activities laid out in New Mexico's digital equity plan. Here is the full timeline for OBAE's digital equity programming funded by the award. OBAE organized its timeline to address the four major barriers to digital equity detailed in its State Digital Equity Plan. For all of these barriers, there are measurable objectives with corresponding strategies and activities, and a flexible schedule for each.
Digital Equity Capacity in New Mexico