
Former Chief Strategist Steve Bannon Aims to Embolden President Trump With Huawei Film

President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon has produced a new film called “Claws of the Red Dragon” attacking Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications company President Trump has forbidden US companies from doing business with over concerns about its ties to the Chinese government. Bannon’s goal is to steel Trump’s resolve to confront China — a resolve that seemed to weaken when markets plunged in early Aug and the administration granted Huawei a 90-day reprieve.

YouTube Plans to End Targeted Ads to Kids to Comply With FTC

Apparently, to satisfy regulators, YouTube officials are finalizing plans to end “targeted” advertisements on videos kids are likely to watch. The move could immediately dent ad sales for the video giant -- though not nearly as much as other proposals on the table. The Federal Trade Commission is looking into whether YouTube breached the Children’s Online Privacy Act (COPPA). The agency reached a settlement with YouTube, but has not released the terms. It is not clear if YouTube’s changes to ad targeting are a result of the settlement. The plans could still change, apparently.

Wireless Carrier Throttling of Online Video Is Pervasive

US wireless carriers have long said they may slow video traffic on their networks to avoid congestion and bottlenecks. But new research shows the throttling happens pretty much everywhere all the time.

FTC Chief Says He’s Willing to Break Up Big Tech Companies

Federal Trade Commission Chairman Joe Simons aid he’s prepared to break up major technology platforms if necessary by undoing their past mergers as his agency investigates whether companies are harming competition. Chairman Simons, who is leading a broad review of the technology sector, said that breaking up a company is challenging, but could be the right remedy to rein in dominant companies and restore competition. “If you have to, you do it,” Chairman Simons said about breaking up tech companies. “It’s not ideal because it’s very messy. But if you have to you have to.”