
Using digital health to improve health outcomes and equity

COVID-19 pandemic fatigue has many people seeking a return to normalcy. But healthcare needs a new normal—one that achieves better health outcomes for more people. One avenue to better health results is expanding use of tools like telehealth and, more broadly, digital health, provided that their adoption focuses on improving health outcomes rather than simply enabling more appointments.

The metachallenges of the metaverse

Online issues such as personal privacy, marketplace competition, and misinformation only become greater challenges in the metaverse. Rather than being distracted by the shiny new bauble, policymakers need to focus on the underlying problems of the digital revolution, which won’t go away with new technological developments.

The benefits and costs of broadband expansion

Brookings provides an overview of the benefits and costs of expanding broadband access and bridging the digital divide. The shift of work and school online highlighted the lack of access to high-speed broadband internet service in some parts of the US and intensified political pressure on the government to make it more widely available.