
Comments on Comcast Time Warner Cable Transaction Due At FCC

Comcast’s acquisition of Time Warner Cable will bring numerous public interest benefits to millions of residential and commercial customers, from faster Internet speeds and greater programming diversity, to next-generation TV, more robust Wi-Fi, more advertising choices and competition, low-cost Internet through our acclaimed Internet Essentials program, and the ability to better serve business customers big and small with innovative products and services tailored to their needs.

We believe this is an approvable transaction and we expect to agree with regulators on conditions that will further enhance the public interest while not being unduly burdensome on our business or consumers.

We are gratified by the outpouring of thoughtful and positive comments from a wide range of supporters of the transaction that have already been submitted for the record, more than 200 already, including business development and community organizations, diversity groups, advertisers, programmers, schools and universities, policy makers, and other prominent individuals that this transaction is pro-consumer, pro-competitive, and strongly in the public interest.