Federal Trade Commission

FTC confirms it's investigating Facebook, and Facebook stock drops

The Federal Trade Commission confirmed that it has an opened a "non-public" investigation into Facebook Inc.'s privacy practices. The social media giant's stock quickly dropped more than 5 percent. It's now down more than 20 percent from its Feb. 1 high.

PayPal Settles FTC Charges that Venmo Failed to Disclose Information to Consumers About the Ability to Transfer Funds and Privacy Settings

The Federal Trade Commission has reached a settlement with PayPal over allegations that the company told users of its Venmo peer-to-peer payment service that money credited to their Venmo balances could be transferred to external bank accounts without adequately disclosing that the transactions were still subject to review and that funds could be frozen or removed. In its complaint, the FTC also charges that Venmo misled consumers about the extent to which they could control the privacy of their transactions.