Hill, The

Reps Clarke, Curtis Speak On Eagerness for 5G Breakthrough

House Commcerce Committee Vice Chair Yvette Clarke (D-NY) and Rep John Curtis (R-UT) spoke at The Hil event titled "Boundless: Building a 5G World". They touted the potential benefits from emerging 5G technology, but warned that Congress must act quickly in a bipartisan fashion before the US falls behind. "We've got to remember to keep 5G nonpartisan, because the moment it becomes owned by a single party, then that's when it loses,” said Rep Curtis.

Benton Senior Fellow Gigi Sohn Says Mozilla Suit Could Lead to Reinstatement of Obama-era Net Neutrality Rules

Benton Senior Fellow Gigi Sohn, previously counselor to former Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler, said that current FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's attempt to repeal network neutrality rules could result in the reinstatement of the former rules. "If this prevails in the court, yes, the 2015 rules should come back," said Sohn, referring to the Mozilla suit, the case that is challenging the decision to end the Obama-era rules. "The court can do many different things to resolve this.

Net Neutrality Oral Argument Shaping up As Epic Battle

The Feb. 1 oral argument in the legal challenge to the Federal Communications Commission's Restoring Internet Freedom order (the case is Mozilla Corp. V. FCC) is going to be an epic event, at least in terms of the time allotted for both sides to make their cases. It is the only case slated for argument that day.