Hill, The

Groups urge FTC to break up Facebook over Cambridge Analytica scandal

Advocacy groups urged the Federal Trade Commission to order a breakup of Facebook after the agency concludes its investigation into the company’s handling of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The groups, led by the Electronic Privacy Information Center, wrote in a letter to FTC Chairman Joseph Simons that modest enforcement actions would not be adequate to curb Facebook’s privacy practices. They urged the FTC to require Facebook to divest from subsidiaries like WhatsApp and Instagram and to i

Media reliability questioned over report President Trump directed lies to Congress

Democrats raised fresh questions and Republicans pushed back Jan 20, after a BuzzFeed report alleging President Donald Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress exploded in the media over the weekend. Republicans swiped at BuzzFeed News and the media after special counsel Robert Mueller's office issued a rare statement that the story was not accurate. Vice President Mike Pence pointed to the reaction to the report as evidence that some are out to “get” President Trump. The president’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, suggested BuzzFeed should be sued.