
Not Everyone Loves The DATA Act

If President Barack Obama puts his expected signature on the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, agencies will begin actualizing what has been called everything from “transformative” to a 21st-century tool to “revolutionize federal spending.”

The DATA Act, which requires a standardized format for agency spending reports, has been hailed like a next killer app by lawmakers, transparency advocates and private-sector technology groups.

"Think of the DATA Act as sunshine goes digital,” wrote its chief author, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA).

"In the digital age, we should be able to search online to see how every grant, contract and disbursement is spent in a more connected and transparent way through the federal government,” said cosponsor Sen Mark Warner (D-VA) said.

“The federal government's antiquated document-based reporting apparatus will be transformed into an efficient flow of standardized, open data,” enthused the DATA Transparency Coalition. “Open spending data will become a public resource for citizens, watchdogs, and the tech industry.”

But deep inside the agencies that form what the coalition calls “the largest, most complex organization in human history,” a sub rosa current of resistance over the past few years has occasionally crept into the open. The Office of Management and Budget, which was slow to embrace the legislation, ended by backing a compromise that preserved some of its authority to work with the Treasury Department to set the data format standards. The agency’s post-passage comments still suggest a concern over new demands on agencies.

IT Reform Should Focus More On Outcomes Than Tactics, Vanroekel Says

With information technology evolving faster than laws governing federal contracting, legislation to reform how government buys and builds IT should focus more on results than on specific methods of achieving them, the federal chief information officer told lawmakers.

We should be thinking about "what kinds of outcomes we’re trying to drive versus what are the tactical ways we’re going to get these,” federal CIO Steven VanRoekel said at a hearing of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, where panelists discussed the most successful approaches to IT contracting.

“Many of the best practices you see here are really about comprehensive management, and that’s probably the hardest thing to legislate,” he said. VanRoekel issued 2014 guidance for PortfolioStat, an initiative launched in 2012 to help agencies assess how they’re managing their IT portfolios.

The latest memo asks agencies to build on previous efforts to gauge and report key performance indicators, with a new focus on “high impact” investments -- guidance VanRoekel cited as an example of what he’s done to encourage agencies to develop IT projects incrementally.

Latinos Aren't Interested In STEM Fields And That's A Problem For Everyone

While there has been some positive progress in improving interest and aptitude among students in science, technology, engineering and math careers, the number of available jobs in such fields continues to significantly outpace the number of available people qualified for those jobs, according to a new analysis.

The new US News/Raytheon STEM Index, released in April, found that STEM employment in the US has increased by more than 30 percent, from 12.8 million jobs in 2000 to 16.8 million in 2013. And while the number of undergraduate and graduate STEM degrees granted increased during that time, the proportion of STEM in terms of total degrees granted has remained relatively flat, the study found.

“Just using the government’s data, which is quite a conservative estimate, it’s clear that STEM is an important and growing part of the economy,” said Brian Kelly, editor and chief content officer of US News & World Report. “Beyond that, we know that STEM skills may be required in as many as 50 percent of future jobs.”

The research also suggests that there’s little evidence to show that government actions -- including President Obama’s 2009 Educate to Innovate initiative -- have had any significant impact. While certain areas, like the number of STEM degrees granted, STEM employment and the number of STEM-related AP tests have gone up since 2009, areas like SAT scores have remained flat while other key areas have declined, US News and Raytheon found.

How A Small Group Of Entrepreneurs Transformed Government Services

[Commentary] Presidential administrations since Roosevelt have faced varied and vexing challenges, domestic and abroad, that forced them to recognize the need to venture outside their comfortable circles of party loyalists, campaign volunteers and policy advisers to tap into the expertise of those not already working in government.

President Barack Obama started with his own White House, recruiting Internet-savvy entrepreneurs to serve as chief technology officer (me), chief performance officer (Jeff Zients), chief information officer (Vivek Kundra) and director for social innovation (Sonal Shah), among other senior positions. And he directed his Cabinet to do the same.

More than 50 other entrepreneurs would fill senior roles, reporting directly to department and agency heads, and tasked with applying technology and innovation to advance that agency’s mission. The participants brought a wide range of experience.

The entrepreneurs who joined the government brought more than their respective skill sets. Many also brought a different way of working, one with its roots in Silicon Valley and its fertile field of technology startup companies. Eric Ries, an entrepreneur, adviser and author who had moved to that area in 2001, called that philosophy and methodology “lean startup.”

[Chopra served as chief technology officer of the United States and is now founder of Hunch Analytics]

State Needs Smartphones for The World Cup, The Pan Am Games And The 2016 Olympics

The State Department wants Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphones to use at the 2014 Brazil World Cup, the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto, and the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics, according to contracting documents.

The phones need to have 3G and 4G mobile capabilities. They also need a good map app (to get around foreign cities, presumably) and videoconferencing (to capture and relay the action back home).

“Extensive research was done to find a phone that is compatible with both applications and can be used in both Brazil and Canada,” the solicitation said.

The Galaxy S4 was chosen partly for its antennae, which are compatible with 3G networks in both nations. But anything that’s exactly the same as the Galaxy S4 will do, according to the solicitation, which requests this model “or equal.”

The Death of the Federal Snow Day?

Mobile work is dramatically changing the federal workplace -- effectively moving some federal offices from a place where employees go to work to a place where they go to share ideas.

That was the theme of Mobile Work Exchange’s spring Town Hall Meeting in April, where the General Services Administration and other agencies talked about a workplace transformation that brings together concepts like telework, human resources, facilities management and information technology to improve employee engagement and collaboration and also reduce agency spending in areas such as real estate.

For GSA, which in early 2014 unveiled its 1800 F headquarters building that features open, collaborative workspace, the total workplace transformation has not only positioned the agency as a more appealing place to work among young employee recruits, it also has led to the death of the federal snow day, said GSA Administrator Dan Tangherlini.

NIST Removes NSA-Tainted Algorithm From Cryptographic Standards

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has finally removed a cryptographic algorithm from its draft guidance on random number generators, more than six months after leaked top-secret documents suggested the algorithm had been deliberately sabotaged by the National Security Agency.

The announcement came as NIST opened to a final round of public comments its revised Special Publication 800-90a, which contains three algorithms now that the Dual Elliptic Curve Deterministic Random Bit Generator has been removed following negative feedback from the public.

According to documents leaked by former contractor Edward Snowden in September, NSA “became the sole editor” of Special Publication 800-90 and allegedly introduced weaknesses to the now-removed algorithm.

NIST responded swiftly to that news, recommending against using the standards and suggesting reopening them to public scrutiny in an effort to rebuild trust with the public.

BYOD Cost The Energy Department More Than Supplying Government Phones

Some Energy Department divisions were too liberal with stipends they paid contract employees under contractor-operated bring-your-own-device plans, an auditor has found.

As a result, the department sometimes compensated those contract employees more for supplying their own smartphones and tablets -- which were often loaded up with unlimited voice and data plans -- than it would have paid to give them government devices, Energy’s inspector general found.

Overall, Energy could save at least $2.3 million over three years by better handling how it buys and manages mobile devices, according to the IG report. In addition to not being strict enough about BYOD [bring your own device] policies, Energy spent $325,000 at eight separate locations on devices that were not used at all during the 2012 fiscal year, the report found.

Numerous other devices were underutilized during that time, according to the report. The department also failed to consolidate contracts with mobile carriers in order to benefit from economies of scale, the report found. The White House’s Office of Management and Budget has urged agencies to consolidate mobile contracts whenever possible as part of a government-wide digital strategy.

Government Employees Cause Nearly 60% Of Public Sector Cyber Incidents

About 58 percent of cyber incidents reported in the public sector were caused by government employees, according to an annual data breach report compiled by Verizon.

The findings -- stripped of identifying information -- do not mention ex-contractor Edward Snowden's mammoth leak of national secrets. Even if Snowden's leaks had been included in the tally of results attributed to insider threats, they wouldn't have made much of a dent.

Most (34 percent) of the insider incidents in the global public sector during the past three years were miscellaneous errors such as emailing documents to the wrong person. Unapproved or malicious use of data by public servants accounted for 24 percent of reported incidents. Surprisingly, cyberspying and intrusions via security holes in websites, known to be big problems in government, represented less than 1 percent of the situations reported.

The off-kilter numbers in government reflect mandatory reporting requirements for mundane incidents, Jay Jacobs, a Verizon senior analyst and co-author of the report, said. Small data leaks that happen every day overshadow frequent, but not daily, hacks.

How the IRS Is Leaving Your Financial Data Unprotected

The tax agency needs to better audit its own accounts, according to the Government Accountability Office.

GAO officials discovered that Internal Revenue Service was not sufficiently monitoring databases for abnormal activity that could indicate a breach. They also found poor encryption on key agency systems. In addition, this is the seventh consecutive year the IRS has failed to patch security vulnerabilities that could compromise financial data, a review of GAO reports dating back to 2007 reveals.

"Serious weaknesses remain that could affect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of financial and sensitive taxpayer data," Nancy Kingsbury, GAO managing director for applied research and methods, and Gregory Wilshusen, GAO director for information security issues, wrote in a new report.

The IRS did not apply critical patches in a timely fashion to multiple systems, including programs for procurement and email, the auditors said. In addition, the agency was running unsupported software on workstations and databases that developers are not even issuing security fixes for anymore. GAO officials also noticed that systems handling transfers of financial data were not configured to encrypt login information.