
The Most Important Privacy Case You've Never Heard Of

One of the most important privacy cases you’ve never heard of is being litigated right now in a federal district court in Maine. ACA v. Frey is a challenge by the nation’s largest broadband Internet access providers to a Maine law that protects the privacy of the state's broadband Internet users.

Washington And Oregon Fine CenturyLink For Completely Bogus Broadband Fees

For decades, broadband providers have abused the lack of meaningful competition in the telecom market by not only refusing to shore up historically awful customer service, but by raising rates hand over fist. This usually involves leaving the advertised price largely the same, but pummeling customers with all manner of misleading fees and surcharges that drive up the actual price you'll be paying each month. And by and large regulators from both major political parties have been perfectly okay with this practice, despite it effectively being false advertising.

Killing Net Neutrality Rules Did Far More Harm Than You Probably Realize

We've noted repeatedly that the repeal of network neutrality did far more than just kill popular net neutrality rules. It effectively neutered the Federal Communications Commission's ability to do its job and oversee lumbering natural telecom monopolies.