Verizon on Millennial Content Consumption: Generation Is Three Times More Likely To Watch Online
People in the millennial generation (age 16 to 34) are more likely than those in older generations to abandon an entertainment source if the quality of the experience is poor, according to new research from Verizon Digital Media. And that’s an important issue considering that the research also found that millennials were considerably more likely than older people to consume media on non-traditional devices. Millennials are three times more likely than non- millennials to watch television online, the survey of 800 millennials and 200 non- millennials found. Yet despite their propensity to watch shows online, 46% of millennials said they will give up on watching a show online if the video continues but they can’t hear the audio. Forty-five percent and 44% of millennials, respectively, said they would give up if the audio continues but they can’t see video or if the video screen freezes at times. The Verizon research appears aimed at wooing media company customers for Verizon Digital Media Services -- a unit focused on enhancing content delivery.
Frontier Will Install Fiber to Support New Wavelength Service
A new 10-gigabit wavelength service from Frontier Communications, introduced in Frontier local markets in 25 states, should trigger some new fiber deployments to business locations.
The carrier is prepared to lay fiber to buildings for customers that order the Frontier Optical Transport Service and do not already have fiber connectivity, said Lisa Partridge, Frontier manager of product management.
“If we don’t lay the fiber someone else will,” said Partridge. “We believe it’s necessary because of how quickly bandwidth is doubling and tripling.”
The carrier expects to sell the new 10-gigabit wavelength service to enterprises and to other carriers who will add their own networking equipment. Customers can use IP, Sonet, Ethernet or other protocols, Partridge said, adding that she would expect Ethernet to be the most common choice. The 25 markets where Frontier Optical Transport Service will be available are in Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.