
What Are ISPs Offering Consumers after ACP?

On May 31 as funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) expired, the White House highlighted the commitments of 14 internet service providers to offer plans at $30 or less to low-income households through 2024. These internet service providers (ISPs) collectively cover up to 10 million ACP households and are offering their current ACP subscribers and other eligible households a high-speed internet plan for $30 per month or less, with no fees and data caps, until the end of 2024. For each ISP, we are looking at what is being offered—and how easy it is for consumers to find the inf

Ten Things About ACP that Ted Cruz Cares About #6 ACP and Telemedicine

The record shows that Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) recipients regard using access to broadband as critical to their healthcare. A recent study found that 75% of ACP participants fear that losing access to ACP will result in losing access to healthcare. This is consistent with another large-scale survey found that 45% of adults believe that inadequate access to technology, including broadband and computers, is a barrier to telehealth, and this was especially prominent among rural residents and adults over the age of 65. That is, ACP

Internet access is not a luxury. Congress should extend connectivity aid program

More than 23 million households will lose affordable internet access as part of a pandemic-era federal program that provided low-income households with a credit of between $30 and $75 toward their monthly service bill.

ACP vs Private Low-Income Plans

I applaud private efforts to address low-income adoption, particularly Comcast’s Internet Essentials, which is the oldest and most extensive program. Comcast started the program in 2011 and has continually studied and changed the program to improve its outcomes. That is the path the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Congress should follow with the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).

Ten Things About ACP that Ted Cruz Cares About #4 ACP and GDP

A fair reading of Dr. John Horrigan’s work would start by adopting his insight that the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is part of a three-legged stool that during the pandemic helped increase broadband adoption and sustain it for low-income households.

Pennsylvania's Plan for Affordable Broadband

Through the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, established by Congress in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Pennsylvania was allocated over $1.1 billion to deploy or upgrade high-speed Internet networks to ensure that everyone has access to reliable, affordable, high-speed internet service.

Dynamic Competition in Broadband Markets: A 2024 Update

In mid-2021, the International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) published a white paper on the state of broadband competition in the United States, which concluded that:

Ten Things About ACP that Ted Cruz Cares About #3 Net Cost Savings to Government

By connecting more people to the internet via the Affordable Connectivity Program, the savings from reductions in the cost of Medicaid alone could result in a net gain to the government.  And that does not incorporate savings from Medicare, the Veterans Administration, and other government-funded healthcare programs.  Further, there are other savings related to other government programs.  For lower-income individuals, adopting in-home broadband increases their likelihood of employment by 14%, with 62% of those newly connected households citing the connection as having helped them or a 

New NTIA Data Show 13 Million More Internet Users in the U.S. in 2023 than 2021

Results from the latest National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Internet Use Survey point to significant progress toward achieving Internet for All, as 13 million more people used the Internet in the United States in 2023 compared with just two years earlier. Working to achieve digital equity in the United States has long been at the core of NTIA’s mission. NTIA is committed to enabling widespread use of the Internet for communicating, learning, sharing ideas, and growing the economy. To reach this goal, we need solid, evidence-backed research to inform policies an