
What's on the agenda for policymakers.


The Marconi Society

Tue, 09/10/2024 - 12:00 to 13:00

The imperative for broadband for all has never been greater. Study after study shows that the combination of affordable access and devices, along with digital literacy, delivers economic benefits far greater than the investment made.
Delivering on the promise of broadband for all means understanding the unique blend of policy, technology, and programs that will drive change.


Community Tech Network

Thu, 08/29/2024 - 11:00

Information Technology & Innovation Foundation

Thu, 08/29/2024 - 12:00 to 13:00

Strides in new and emerging technologies such as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) have led to positive advancements across many sectors that have increased accessibility for all users. Healthcare providers leverage AR/VR technology to improve physical and mental health outcomes for patients in therapy, surgical planning, training, and more.

Will BEAD Encounter Bottlenecks?

Will a big flurry of Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) grants encounter any big bottlenecks that will slow down the implementation of grant construction? My response is yes, but maybe not the bottlenecks most people expect. I expect some of the following:

Information Sought on Sharing in the 18 GHz Band in Connection With the National Spectrum Strategy Implementation Plan

The Federal Communications Commission's Space and Wireless Telecommunications Bureaus, the Office of International Affairs, and the Office of Engineering and Technology seek to further develop the record for the 18.1–18.6 GHz band (18 GHz band) with the goal of informing the forthcoming report mandated by the National Spectrum Strategy (NSS) Implementation Plan. The NSS identified the 18 GHz band as a potential band for expanded Federal and non-Federal satellite operations, consistent with the U.S.

FCC Announces Counties Where Conditional Forbearance From The Lifeline Voice Obligation Applies

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau announced the counties in which conditional forbearance from the obligation to offer Lifeline-supported voice service applies. This forbearance applies only to the Lifeline voice obligation of eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) that are designated for purposes of receiving both high-cost and Lifeline support (high-cost/Lifeline ETCs), and not to Lifeline-only ETCs.

FCC Proposes Modernizing 3.5 GHz Band Rules for Citizens Broadband Radio Service

The Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to begin a proceeding to update the Citizens Broadband Radio Service.

Federal Broadband Programs Could Add $146 Billion to GDP

Broadband programs included in the 2022 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act could add $146 billion to the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), according to a new analysis from Keynesian Technology, which researches the impact of Keynesian economics on the technology industry.

How Maryland is Working to Make Broadband More Affordable

According to the American Community Survey, 94.1 percent of Maryland residents have a home internet subscription of some kind which—while outperforming the national rate by 3.8 percentage points—still indicates that a sizable number of Maryland households are disconnected from the internet at home.

Time Is Money

President Biden and Vice President Harris are launching “Time Is Money,” a new governmentwide effort to crack down on all the ways that corporations—through excessive paperwork, hold times, and general aggravation—add unnecessary headaches and hassles to people’s days and degrade their quality of life. Today and in the coming months, the Biden-Harris Administration will take wide-ranging action to crack down on unfair practices and save Americans time and money. Key actions include: