
FCC Announces Close Of First-Ever Rural Tribal Priority Window For Spectrum

The Federal Communications Commission’s first-ever spectrum priority filing window for rural Tribes closed Sept 2, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. EDT. This 2.5 GHz Rural Tribal Priority Window presented a unique opportunity for eligible Tribal entities to obtain overlay licenses for prime mid-band spectrum covering rural Tribal lands to help address their connectivity needs and close the digital divide in Indian country. The window opened on Feb 3, 2020, and the FCC received more than 400 applications from Tribal entities throughout the country. 

FCC Announces Winning Bidders of 3.5 GHz Band Auction

The Federal Communications Commission released a Public Notice detailing the results of and next steps related to the recently concluded auction of 70 megahertz of Priority Access Licenses (PALs) in the 3550-3650 MHz band (Auction 105). This auction made available the greatest number of spectrum licenses ever in a single FCC auction. The Public Notice details auction results—including the names of winning bidders—and announces deadlines for payments and the filing of long-form applications, as well as other post-auction procedures needed for the prompt issuance of licenses.

Spectrum Sharing: An Emerging Success

Spectrum sharing is working, and we now have a larger toolbox of techniques to employ as we move toward repurposing the 3450-3550 MHz band — as well as exploring potential repurposing within 3100-3450 MHz. The current auction of Priority Access Licenses (PALs) in the Citizens Broadband Radio Service band (CBRS) could not have happened without spectrum sharing in coastal areas where military mobile radars operate. NTIA research

Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I Auction and Application Status

By this Public Notice, the Federal Communications Commission announces the status of the 505 short-form applications received for Auction 904. Bidding in Auction 904 will begin on Thursday, Oct 29, 2020, and will award up to $16 billion over 10 years to service providers that commit to offer voice and broadband services to fixed locations in unserved high-cost census blocks. This Public Notice also provides important information regarding modification and resubmission of short-form applications and reminds applicants of certain procedures the FCC adopted for this auction.

FCC Concludes First 5G Mid-Band Spectrum Auction

The Federal Communications Commission announced the successful conclusion of bidding in its auction of Priority Access Licenses in the 3550-3650 MHz band. This auction, which was designated as Auction 105, made available the greatest number of spectrum licenses ever in a single FCC auction. This 70 megahertz of licensed spectrum will further the deployment of 5G, the next generation of wireless connectivity, as well as the Internet of Things and other advanced spectrum-based services. 

Chairman Pai's Response to Members of Congress Regarding the 2.5 GHz Rural Tribal Priority Window

On July 30, 2020, numerous Members of Congress wrote to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajti Pai to request that the FCC extend the 2.5 GHz Rural Tribal Priority Window by 180 days — until Feb 1, 2021 — while not delaying further necessary proceedings associated with the auction in order that it stay on track.

White House to Retool Pentagon Airwaves for 5G Networks

The Trump administration outlined a plan to commercialize a swath of military radio frequencies for use in next-generation 5G networks, yielding to cellphone carriers that have sought the spectrum for their own use. The White House plan would arrange for the Federal Communications Commission to auction 100 megahertz of prized mid-band spectrum starting in December 2021, allowing telecom companies to bid on licenses for them.

FCC Establishes Bidding Procedures for December C-band Auction

The Federal Communications Commission established final application and bidding procedures for the auction of 280 megahertz of mid-band spectrum for 5G and other advanced wireless services. This auction will offer 5,684 new flexible-use overlay licenses based on Partial Economic Areas (PEAs) for spectrum in the 3.7– 3.98 GHz band. This spectrum holds the potential to be prime spectrum for 5G services, and the procedures adopted today will ensure the assignment to auction winners of contiguous spectrum blocks allowing wide channel bandwidths that support 5G deployment.

FCC Starts First 5G Mid-Band Spectrum Auction

The Federal Communications Commission on July 23 is beginning its first auction of licenses for prime, mid-band spectrum suitable for 5G. The auction will offer county-based Priority Access Licenses (PALs) in the 3550-3650 MHz band, which will encourage the rapid deployment of next-generation wireless networks in the band. This is a critical step in freeing up spectrum for the commercial marketplace—a core part of the FCC’s 5G FAST Plan. 

Many Have Hopes Pinned on CBRS Auction: Start Date July 23

A lot of hopes are riding on the auction of spectrum in the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band, which has a start date of July 23. The spectrum is considered mid-band – and industry stakeholders increasingly see mid-band spectrum offering the optimum mixture of bandwidth and coverage for 5G deployments. Perhaps no one has higher hopes for the auction than Verizon, which is light on mid-band spectrum holdings.