
Telecom Fights Tech Over FCC Plan to Open Airwaves to Wi-Fi

Big Tech and Big Telecom are wrangling over a Federal Communications Commission plan that would open up an unprecedented amount of airwaves to meet the nation’s Wi-Fi demand. The FCC is expected to vote before the end of April on a plan that may quintuple the amount of spectrum available to handle data from millions of Wi-Fi-connected smartphones, laptops, and other devices.

Chairman Pai Remarks to the International Association of Firefighters

This past Nov, a bipartisan majority at the Federal Communications Commission adopted a vertical, or “z-axis,” location accuracy metric of plus or minus 3 meters for wireless 911 calls. That means that in the coming years you will be able to more accurately identify the floor-level for most 911 calls and reduce emergency response time.


Communications and Technology Subcommittee

House Commerce Committee

Tue, 03/10/2020 - 15:00

The Communications and Technology Subcommittee will consider:

H.R. 451, the “Don’t Break Up the T-Band Act,” was introduced by Reps. Eliot Engel (D-NY), Lee Zeldin (R-NY), Al Green (D-TX) and Peter King (R-NY).  The Don’t Break Up the T-Band Act would repeal the requirement on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reallocate and auction the 470-512 MHz spectrum band, also known as the T-Band. 

Auctioning a Chunk of 6 GHz Would be Phenomenally Bad Policy.

If you follow spectrum policy at all, you will have heard about the C-Band Auction and the 5.9 GHz fight. But you would be forgiven if you hadn’t heard much about the fight over opening the

FCC Expands Flexible Use of the C-band for 5G

The Federal Communications Commission adopted new rules to auction and make available quickly and efficiently 280 megahertz of midband spectrum for flexible use, including 5G. Making this critical spectrum available represents another important step to closing the digital divide, especially in rural areas, and secures US leadership in 5G.

Wall Street flips over an esoteric airwaves fight

Wall Street has become fascinated with a battle over 5G airwaves at the Federal Communications Commission — not because of the next-generation technology itself, but because of the potential investment wins. The spotlight has been brightest on Intelsat, which has about 

Slicing Up the Airwaves

Reps. Billy Long (R-MO) and Susan Brooks (R-IN) are siding with the wireless industry and asking Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai to reserve a portion of the 6 GHz airwaves for auctioning off spectrum for licensed use.

Sen Kennedy Angles for the Trump Card

Sen. John Neely Kennedy has yet to go directly to President Donald Trump with his outrage over the Federal Communications Commission’s planned approach for auctioning the 5G-friendly C-band airwaves — but “I will,” he said. “There’s no big rush,” Sen Kennedy said. “The FCC is going to do what the FCC is going to do [Feb 28]. But what counts is what we do.

CBO Scores 5G Spectrum Act

The 5G Spectrum Act of 2019 (S. 2881) would amend existing law regarding the disposition of offsetting receipts from an auction of licenses to use a section of electromagnetic spectrum often called the C-band. Under the bill, the Federal Communications Commission would be authorized to spend, without further appropriation, up to 50 percent of the auction proceeds to compensate current users and another 10 percent for programs that support the deployment of broadband infrastructure in rural areas.

Lawmakers Still Want to Shape FCC's 5G Auction

Vice President Mike Pence (R-IN) and White House Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow have both prominently endorsed Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan for auctioning off the 5G-friendly C-band airwaves, and this GOP support could dim congressional Republican interest in legislative deal-making. But prominent Democrats and Republicans who wanted to legislate say there’s still a chance.