Data & Mapping

Form 477, Speed-Tests, and the American Broadband User’s Experience

Respecting the limitations of the speed-test data, I analyze a sample of over 100 million speed-tests conducted in the US in 2020. Through its Open Data Initiative, the data are made available by Ookla ( I also link the Ookla Speedtest data to the Federal Communications Commission’s Form 477 data for comparison purposes.

2021 California Statewide Survey on Broadband Adoption

The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) released its 2021 Statewide Broadband Adoption Survey, in partnership with the University of Southern California, in a summary report titled Internet Adoption and the "Digital Divide" in California. The CETF survey tracks the progress of broadband deployment and adoption throughout CA from 2008 to 2021 and finds more than 90% of the state’s households have high-speed Internet connectivity at home through either a computing device or a smartphone, but 9.6% still are not connected. Home broadband adoption is increasing, up 3 percentage points fro

FCC's Spending Plan for the Funds from the CARES Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021

A spending plan from the Federal Communications Commission in accordance with section 15011(b)(1)(B) of the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Pub. L. No 116-136, as amended by Title VIII of Division O of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Pub. L. No. 116-260. The requirement in section 15011 of the CARES Act states that each agency shall submit to the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee a plan describing how the agency will use its covered funds.

Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel's Response to Senators Regarding the Broadband Deployment Data

On March 8, 2021, Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Roger Wicker (R-MS), Communication Subcommittee Ranking Member John Thune (R-SD), House Commerce Committee Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), and Communications Subcommittee Ranking Member Bob Latta (R-OH) wrote to Federal Communications Commission Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel expressing surprise that Acting Chair Rosenworcel testified that the FCC could improve broadband maps within three-to-six months, but that the FCC suggested recently that new maps would not be ready until 2022.

Rebuilding for the vast scope of FCC responsibilities

In this final installment of the "Build Back Better with Biden FCC", we look at the broad sweep of other—yet no less important—issues which the Federal Communications Commission must deal with as the deciding actor including:

Sens Manchin and Cornyn Reintroduce the Eliminate the Digital Divide Act

Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and John Cornyn (R-TX) reintroduced the bipartisan Eliminate the Digital Divide Act, to distribute $10 billion to states to build out broadband infrastructure in unserved areas.

FCC Reaches Out to Collect Consumer Broadband Availability Experiences

The Federal Communications Commission announced it will begin collecting first-hand accounts on broadband availability and service quality directly from consumers as part of its Broadband Data Collection program. A new webpage,, explains the FCC’s program and provides direct links to consumer resources including a new “share your broadband experience” option.

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr Welcomes New, Four-Month Timeline for Broadband Maps

I am very pleased to learn that Senator Cantwell and Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel had a phone call in which they reached an understanding that maps will get done in just four months. This is an important development because completing these maps is key to unlocking the funding needed to further close the digital divide. It’s great to learn about the new July 2021 timeline.

Senate Commerce Broadband Hearing Hits on Speed, Mapping, Access

Expanding affordable broadband access is a rare issue with bipartisan support on the Hill. During the Senate Commerce Committee hearing on Federal efforts to expand broadband access, senators from both parties joined together to express concerns over expanding access, ensuring accurate broadband connectivity maps, and figuring out how best to spend federal broadband funding.

A Running Start on New Broadband Maps

In a matter of weeks we have already made progress on improving our broadband maps and there’s much more going on behind the scenes: