Digital Content

Information that is published or distributed in a digital form, including text, data, sound recordings, photographs and images, motion pictures, and software.

Senator Coons, colleagues introduce legislation to increase transparency around social media platforms

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) introduced the bipartisan Platform Accountability and Transparency Act (PATA) alongside Senate colleagues Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), John Cornyn (R-TX), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Mitt Romney (R-UT). The bill would require social media companies to share more data with the public and researchers.

FCC Requires Video Conferencing Platforms To Be Accessible And Proposes Platform Integration With Sign-Language Services

The Federal Communications Commission voted to require video conferencing platforms—like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Webex—to comply with the accessibility requirements under the Communications Act and agency rules that govern interoperable video conferencing services. Video conferencing is routinely used by millions of people for workplace conferences, classes, and conversations with family and friends.

What generative AI means for the communications sector

Whether you believe that generative AI has the potential to change the world for good, or that it poses more risks than benefits, most experts agree it is likely to have a significant impact on the future of our economy and society as a whole. This is certainly true for the communications industries. From security to broadcast content, and from online safety to spectrum management, generative AI promises to disrupt traditional service delivery, business models, and consumer behaviour. The use of generative AI could also pose risks.

EU countries reject plan for big tech companies to fund 5G rollout

Telecommunications ministers from at least 18 European Union countries have rejected a proposal by network operators to have major technology companies fund the rollout of 5G and broadband. The proposal, put forward by lobbying groups GSMA and ETNO (which represent 160 operators across Europe), says that big tech companies that account for more than 5% of a provider’s peak average internet traffic should help foot the bill for rolling out the services across Europe.

Texas Passes Bill Restricting Teens' Social Media Use

Texas lawmakers approved a bill that aims to regulate teenagers' ability to use social media platforms. Unless vetoed by Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX), the Securing Children Online through Parental Empowerment Act (HB 18) will require social platforms to verify users' ages, and allow parents to access accounts of children under 18. The bill not only prohibits social platforms from serving “harmful” content to minors but also requires platforms to deploy filtering technology to screen out such material.

Texas Lawmakers Pass Opt-Out Privacy Bill

Texas became the latest state to pass a privacy bill that aims to enable consumers to exert more control over data about themselves. Unless vetoed by Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX), the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (SB 4) will require companies to allow residents to opt out of targeted advertising—defined by the bill as serving ads to people based on their online activity over time and across nonaffiliated websites or apps. The measure also will obligate companies to honor universal opt-out tools—su

How the FCC may be forced to grapple with AI, too

The Federal Communications Commission — which has jurisdiction over radio, television, cable, and satellites —  isn’t best known for grappling with cutting-edge technology. But amid the rise of generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, the communications regulator may be forced to tackle artificial intelligence, an area that’s beginning to intersect with

Why TikTok wants its new data privacy trial held in Illinois

TikTok is being sued over data privacy — again.

Who Is Going to Regulate AI?

As businesses and governments race to make sense of the impacts of new, powerful AI systems, governments around the world are jostling to take the lead on regulation. Business leaders should be focused on who is likely to win this race, more so than the questions of how or even when AI will be regulated.

United States comments on European Consultation: “The future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure”

The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), in a filing on behalf of the US government, urged the European Commission to promote affordable access to broadband, protect users’ access to online content, and avoid discriminatory measures that distort competition. The filing on May 19 is in response to the European Commission’s exploratory consultation on The Future