Federal Communications Commission

Rural/Urban Population Numbers Shift as Census Bureau Adjusts Criteria

The proportion of US urban populations declined slightly from 2010 to 2020, while the proportion of US rural populations increased during the same period. Yet while the narrative is good news, the changes seem to be less about people moving in or out of rural and urban places and more about how the Census Bureau defines “rural.” Specifically, the Census Bureau:

Authorization and Oversight Plan of the Committee on Energy and Commerce US House of Representatives, 118th Congress

The committee's oversight plan for the 118th Congress. Concerning "Communications and Technology Issues," the committee will focus on the following:

T-Mobile expands participation in dwindling Affordable Connectivity Program

T-Mobile is expanding its participation in the federal government’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) through its Lifeline Assistance brand – Assurance Wireless. Lifeline is a Federal Communications Commission program for low-income consumers, which provides a discount on qualifying monthly phone and broadband services. T-Mobile said that it is offering ACP in seven more states, bringing the total number to 48 states and the District of Columbia.

SHLB Meets with FCC Broadband Data Task Force

The American Library Association and the Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition spoke with the Federal Communications Commission's Broadband Data Task Force staff and FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel’s advisor on Feb. 6, 2023 about including community anchor institutions (CAIs) on the FCC’s National Broadband Map. The groups expressed concerns about the current treatment of libraries and said CAIs that purchase mass-market broadband service should be included on the map.

FCC Grants Amazon/Kuiper Satellite Modification

The Federal Communications Commission's International Bureau granted, subject to conditions, the application of Kuiper Systems LLC for modification of its license for a non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) satellite constellation providing fixed-satellite service (FSS) and Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) using Ka-band radio frequencies. Specifically, the bureau grants Kuiper’s request for approval of its updated orbital debris mitigation plan, thereby satisfying a condition of the FCC's action in 2020 conditionally granting Kuiper’s request to deploy and operate its NGSO system. This decision will

Comcast gave false map data to FCC—and didn’t admit it until Ars Technica got involved

Matthew Hillier can't get Comcast service at his home in Arvada, CO. But that didn't stop Comcast from claiming it serves his house when it submitted data for the Federal Communications Commission's new broadband map. Comcast eventually admitted to the FCC that it doesn't serve the address—but only after Ars got involved.

NTCA Priorities for the 118th Congress

To Members of the 118th Congress, as you begin work on the many important issues facing our nation, NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association (“NTCA”) hopes that you will see broadband access as a key component to enhancing and sustaining our nation’s economic and civic well-being. We offer here a policy blueprint for achieving and sustaining universal broadband access in rural America.

LGBTQ groups condemn identity-based attacks on Gigi Sohn, urge confirmation

Twenty-two LGBTQ advocacy organizations are urging Congress to confirm the nomination of Gigi Sohn [Senior Fellow and Public Advocate at the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society] to the Federal Communications Commission, condemning attacks on her identity that have forced her nomination to languish for more than a year. In a letter to Senate leadership, groups including the LGBTQ Victory Fund and the National LGBTQ Task Force wrote that it is “past time” for Sohn, who was first nominated in October 2021, to join the FCC and “use her tremendous qualifications for the betterment of ou

Congress Members Stefanik, Khanna, Gallagher Work to Counter Foreign Telecommunications Influence

Reps Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Ro Khanna (D-CA), and Mike Gallagher (R-WI) reintroduced the bipartisan Foreign Adversary Communications Transparency (FACT) Act to counter the influence of China and other foreign adversaries on the United States’ telecommunications infrastructure. This bill would provide critical telecommunications transparency by requiring the Federal Communications Commission to publish a list of companies that

Poor Rural Connectivity Costs Lives

Around the country, there are now elaborate alert systems in areas subject to tornados and other dangerous weather events.