Open government

Remarks of Acting FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel to Americas Spectrum Management Conference

We need to use this moment to build a foundation for new growth and new opportunity in the post-pandemic world. For this foundation, I believe we need to do two things: reinvigorate the momentum toward 5G and pave the way for 6G and beyond. At the FCC, we are focusing on five principles for delivering 5G that is fast, secure, resilient, and, most importantly, available everywhere in the country:

FCC Announces Agenda for October 26, 2021 Open Meeting

The Federal Communications Commission announced that the items below are tentatively on the agenda for the October 26, 2021 Open Commission Meeting:

FCC Announces September Open Meeting Agenda

The Federal Communications Commission announced the agenda for its September open meeting. In the September 30, 2021 meeting, the FCC will:

FTC Announces Tentative Agenda for September 2021 Open Meeting

Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan announced that an open meeting of the FTC will be held virtually at 11 am EST on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. The following items will be on the tentative agenda:

  • Privacy Breaches by Health Apps and Connected Devices: The FTC will vote on whether to issue a policy statement on the importance of protecting the public from privacy breaches by health apps and other connected devices.

Wicker Requests Agencies to Account for Spending on COVID-19 Broadband Funding

Ranking member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Roger Wicker (R-MS) sent letters to the Department of Education, Department of Agriculture, and Department of Treasury requesting the agencies to report on the disbursement of funds received for broadband deployment, adoption, or other connectivity initiatives.

Fake Comments: How US Companies & Partisans Hack Democracy to Undermine Your Voice

This report is the product of an extensive investigation by the New York Office of the Attorney General (OAG) of the parties that sought to influence the Federal Communications Commission’s 2017 proceeding to repeal the agency’s net neutrality rules. In the course of that investigation, the OAG obtained and analyzed tens of thousands of internal emails, planning documents, bank records, invoices, and data comprising hundreds of millions of records. Our investigation confirmed many contemporaneous reports of fraud that dogged that rulemaking process.

Supreme Court vacates ruling barring Trump from blocking Twitter critics, saying case is moot

The Supreme Court vacated a lower court opinion that said President Donald Trump could not block critics from his Twitter feed, which since has been suspended by the company. The US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York had ruled that because the president had used the forum to regularly communicate with the public, he could not block critical individual users.

Sen Wicker Seeks Information on Universal Service Fund

As I evaluate the Universal Service Fund for the upcoming congressional session, I am requesting information regarding the full funding capabilities that the Federal Communications Commission has at its disposal.

Remarks Of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai To The Free State Foundation

It would certainly make sense for me to use today’s platform to detail all the ways that we have cleared out the Federal Communications Commission’s regulatory underbrush since I spoke to Free State one month before taking this position. But I’d like to go in a less obvious direction. Instead, I’d like to lay out my theory for good governance and how the reforms we’ve made since January 2017 have fundamentally transformed the agency’s operations for the better. Along the way, I’ve picked up a few lessons about what I believe to be the keys to effective governance.

Increasing Public Engagement and Transparency at the FCC by Holding a Second Monthly Meeting

This proposal outlines a series of actions to introduce a second monthly meeting of the five commissioners who comprise the Federal Communications Commission. During the additional meeting, FCC staff should present on major items that might be brought before the Commission for a vote in the next several months. This forward-looking monthly meeting gives the public information needed to provide meaningful input to the Commission prior to its decision-making. The meeting would also improve the Commissioners’ own ability to respond to policy recommendations.