
State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: A Catalyst for Innovation, Equity, and Resilience in Communities

The State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program established by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) continues to deliver critical financial support to communities across the country recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. The SLFRF program is stimulating investments in strengthening the country’s internet infrastructure by funding upgrades—such as laying fiber backbone, completing last-mile connections, and prioritizing equitable access. These crucial investments provide residents with access to education, health care, government services, and economic opportunity.

New Jersey Relying on Federal Broadband Investments to Make State More Equitable

Even before he took office Governor Phil Murphy (D-NJ) realized that access to high-speed internet is now a prerequisite for participation in our increasingly connected economy. One of the Murphy administration's first priorities was to create a middle-mile, fiber-optic cable network to connect New Jersey’s rural and urban communities to high-speed internet. In New Jersey, as elsewhere, the COVID-19 pandemic shined a spotlight on technology and connectivity gaps.

White House commends Lumos for North Carolina fiber deployment

Mid-Atlantic provider Lumos turned up service in Burlington (NC), claiming it will be the first fiber provider for many of the city’s residents. Asad Ramzanali, Chief of Staff for the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, commended Lumos for its expansion across the state. For Lumos’ part, CEO Brian Stading stated the Burlington launch “represents our ongoing commitment to bridge the digital divide” and the operator will look forward “to working with our federal, state, and local partners to continue this expansion in the months and years to come.” Lumos serves more than 22

Governor Shapiro (PA) Highlights Administration’s Plans to Bring High-Speed, Affordable Broadband to Every Pennsylvania Community

Governor Josh Shapiro (D-PA) and Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) Executive Director Brandon Carson highlighted the Shapiro Administration’s plans to expand broadband access across the Commonwealth using more than $1.16 billion in funding through the federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program and outlined plans to ensure every Pennsylvanian can access the internet. The Commonwealth will receive $1.16 billion to expand broadband infrastructure to communities that currently lack reliable, affordable, high-speed internet access.

9,000 houses, 535 businesses: Huge Louisiana high-speed internet project gets underway

Louisiana's effort to expand broadband access in rural areas advanced with the groundbreaking of the state's biggest high-speed internet project yet. The project will bring cable internet to 9,140 households and 535 small businesses in Avoyelles Parish—the largest investment to date under the state's Granting Unserved Municipalities Broadband Opportunities program, dubbed GUMBO. Set for complet

Free Apartment Wi-Fi: How States Can Close the Digital Divide in Affordable Multi-Dwelling Units

Free Apartment Wi-Fi networks are the most cost-effective strategy for states to close the digital divide. Twenty to twenty-five percent of the digital divide is concentrated in affordable multi-dwelling units (MDU). By allocating less than 18% of their Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) funds to deploy hotel-style Wi-Fi networks in these buildings, states can quickly and cost effectively impact the digital divide for millions of unconnected households.

BEAD Program Initial Proposal Guidance

The Initial Proposal is the “first draft” of an Eligible Entity’s Final Proposal for Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program grant funding, and, among other things, should explain how States and Territories will ensure that every resident has access to a reliable, affordable, and high-speed broadband connection, drawing on all funding available to accomplish this goal, including but not limited to BEAD Program funds.

Choptank Fiber Partners with Bay Country Communications on Fiber Broadband Services

Choptank Electric Cooperative and its subsidiary, Choptank Fiber, finalized a deal to acquire thousands of broadband fiber customers from Bay Country Communications (BCC) over the next 10 years. The deal sets up a partnership between Choptank and BCC whereby Bay Country will continue to serve its cable customers and will construct fiber services to customers already in the construction pipeline.

Why Minnesota is unlikely to meet its broadband expansion goals on time, despite influx of federal cash

During a stop in Minnesota in June 2023, US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo made a promise: The $652 million earmarked for Minnesota to help build infrastructure for rural high-speed internet would be enough to finally cover every part of the state. Is that true? It depends, it turns out, on how you define a finished job. When calculating who has access to proper broadband, the federal government counts much slower internet speeds compared to Minnesota’s definition.