
From State Digital Equity Plan Connecticut—Everyone Connected

Connecticut’s vision for digital equity is for all residents to flourish across every aspect of life — from learning, working, and civic engagement to general wellbeing — with the assistance of technology tools and skills. These outcomes will take place through a collaborative ecosystem of resources and services that improve lives through digital access. The shared understanding behind this vision arises out of concerted efforts to reduce barriers to technology. Connecticut State statute defines “digital equity” as follows: 

a condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for participation in society, democracy and the economy of the state  

In addition to the general sense of this definition, Connecticut sees digital equity as deeply personal. Regardless of individual gifts, challenges, or lived experiences, every Connecticut resident has a right to engage fully in society, in person and online.  

Making this vision a reality aligns with federal definitions of digital equity and its components: access to affordable, highspeed connections; devices that serve the needs of residents; skills that improve their ability to use technology effectively; support to use those digital tools; and unfettered access to services that expand insights and improve lives.  

With each resident at the center of this vision, Connecticut acknowledges the strengths of its current digital ecosystem as the starting point for a future in which individuals and groups at the local, regional, and state level partner to identify and provide sustainable resources that support digital equity. Achieving digital equity in turn supports the current and evolving strategies in Connecticut to advance personal and collective welfare. Access to and effective use of technology should remain a catalyst and accelerator of human flourishing.