Paying For Anything On The Internet? No One Is Really Buying -- Or Selling It -- Too Well Yet

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According to Forrester Research, when European consumers were asked what Internet stuff they paid for in 2010, just 4% said video content. This is down from 6% in 2009. When it come to premium TV shows, the numbers are worse -- with just 3% paying for this content in 2010, down from 5% in 2009. But future prospects appear better. When asked in 2009 what digital content they would pay for in the future, 18% said digital video -- a percentage that dropped to17% in 2010. The percentage of consumers who said they'd pay for TV show In the future remained the same for both years:14% Forrester believes demand is there -- but TV operators are reluctant to move. This doesn't bode well for TV in the U.S. Those hungry traditional media/entertainment company executives -- Chase Carey of News Corp; Jeff Bewkes of Time Warner; and Bob Iger of Walt Disney -- are pushing for TV Everywhere efforts -- that, in effect, means, have consumers pay for content for those not already paying for it through certified video retailers.

Paying For Anything On The Internet? No One Is Really Buying -- Or Selling It -- Too Well Yet