November 2008

Executive Summary

Persuasive research indicates that connecting our nation to broadband will bring remarkable economic, social, cultural, personal, and other benefits to our citizens. Citing this research, a bipartisan chorus of America's leaders has for years advocated the deployment across our nation of robust and affordable broadband access to the Internet. Taken together, the rhetoric and research tell a compelling story; that in the Digital Age, universal, affordable, and robust broadband is the key to our nation's citizens reaching for - and achieving - the American Dream.

Yet, America has failed to deploy universal, affordable, and robust broadband. When compared to the rest of the developed world, "[t]he United States is behind in broadband deployment, speed and price. Despite what some advocates and analysts claim, the United States is behind in broadband performance and its rank has been falling since 2001." From a ranking of 4th in 2001 among the 30 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in broadband penetration, the United States has "steadily fallen" to 15th in 2007. America also ranks 15th among OECD countries in broadband speed, averaging 4.9 Mbps, and 11th in the cost of broadband per Mbps.

This troubling trend will not reverse itself soon. America's global competitors are executing well-conceived and -financed national strategies to dramatically increase their competitive advantage in broadband over the United States, which has no national broadband strategy.

In the 21st-century global economy made "flat" by broadband, in Thomas Friedman's well-turned phrase, our nation faces a serious challenge to its global technological leadership, as well as its economic competitiveness. As many nations boldly strategize their rapid advance into the Digital Age by energetically embracing and exploiting the potential of broadband, America is being left behind. This challenge, every bit as serious as that which we faced in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched the first satellite into space, is our nation's "new Sputnik moment."

Without strong federal leadership on the deployment of universal, affordable, and robust broadband, the broadband- enabled, Digital Age "American Dream" that other nations' citizens are already beginning to enjoy remains to Americans just a dream. Failing to deploy universal, affordable, and robust broadband denies a wealth of tangible economic and quality-of-life benefits to our citizens, including:

  • Hundreds of Billions of Dollars in New Economic Development
  • Over a Million New, High-Paying Jobs
  • Increased Homeland Security and Public Safety
  • Better Health Care at Lower Cost
  • Enhanced Educational Opportunities
  • Reduced Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Reinvigorated Democracy and Government

To provide these essential benefits to Americans, and to answer the challenge of our nation's new Sputnik moment, the new Administration must launch a wellplanned, concerted national effort - paralleling that which deployed telephone service, electricity, and interstate highways across the nation - to deploy robust and affordable broadband to every corner of our nation.

Starting on his first day in office, the new President should declare that the deployment of universal, affordable, and robust broadband Internet access to every American household is one of his Administration's top priorities. His Administration should then immediately appoint a blue-ribbon National Broadband Strategy Commission to design a coordinated and effective National Broadband Strategy (NBS), a "coherent road map of policies and goals that complement and accelerate efforts in the marketplace to achieve universal adoption of affordable high-speed Internet connections."1 The President should immediately appoint a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) based in the White House to work in conjunction with the Commission. The CTO will then be responsible for the execution of the Commission's completed NBS in the public sector, and will lead a cabinet-level task force of department and agency heads to execute the NBS throughout the federal government.

Most calls for the deployment of universal, affordable, and robust broadband focus on proposals to increase the supply of broadband. In "Reaching for the American Dream by Connecting Our Nation," we recommend several initiatives that this new Administration and the NBS should undertake to stimulate broadband supply.

But while stimulating broadband supply is necessary to achieving the goal of universal, affordable, and robust broadband, it is not sufficient. The NBS must also promote initiatives to stimulate broadband demand. These include programs to ensure that all Americans have access to the digital skills and tools necessary to realize broadband's enormous potential benefits. These programs also include initiatives that employ broadband-powered applications to address critical challenges facing our nation, including economic growth, job creation, health care, education, public safety, energy consumption and climate change, and others. In health care, for example, promoting telehealth and health information technologies will not only deliver better health care at a lower cost, but also stimulate the demand for broadband. To reduce energy consumption and environmental degradation, the NBS should promote initiatives that support telework and the construction of a smart electricity grid. In "Using Technology and Innovation to Address Our Nation's Critical Challenges," we recommend several initiatives to address these critical challenges that will have the added salutary benefit of stimulating demand for universal, affordable, and robust broadband.

By promoting both the supply of and the demand for broadband, a well-conceived NBS will establish a "virtuous circle" in which an increased supply of robust and affordable broadband stimulates creation of applications that produce wide-ranging, valuable social benefits that then cause citizens to demand even more robust and affordable broadband; which in turn stimulates greater investment in more robust broadband; which then stimulates the creation of even more beneficial applications that cause citizens to demand even more robust and affordable broadband. Strong federal leadership, expressed in a comprehensive NBS, is crucial to ending the stand-off between those ready to invest in the deployment of robust broadband when great technologies and applications emerge to take advantage of it, and those ready to invest in transforming technologies and applications and who are waiting for robust broadband to be built out. By adopting a bold and imaginative action plan on Day One to connect all of our citizens to robust and affordable broadband, the new President will enable America to catch up to and surpass our global competitors on broadband, while at the same time utilizing technology and innovation to address our nation's critical challenges. The President will deliver to all our citizens the opportunity they seek for their children and themselves: to reach for the American Dream in the Digital Age.


  1. On January 20, 2009, the first day in office, the new President of the United States should sign an Executive Order that gives high priority to exerting federal leadership on broadband policy. This Order should:
    1. Establish a National Broadband Strategy Commission, composed of members from the public, private, academic, nonprofit, and other sectors, that by January 1, 2010 should deliver to the President an ambitious, yet achievable, comprehensive National Broadband Strategy to deploy robust, affordable broadband to every household in America. The Commission should also lay out a roadmap and timetable to deploy within five years to the vast majority of American households modernized broadband networks that are as robust, reliable, and affordable as those of our global competitors.
    2. Appoint a White House-based Chief Technology Officer to work in conjunction with the Commission. The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) should take responsibility for the successful design and execution of the NBS throughout the public sector.
    3. Direct the Commission to include measurable deployment and subscribership goals in the NBS. The NBS developed by the Commission should set goals on broadband network deployment, subscribership, price, and speed. At a minimum, these goals should include:
      1. By the end of 2010, every household in America will have access to robust and affordable broadband.
      2. By the end of 2015, the vast majority of American households will have affordable access to modernized broadband networks that are as robust as those of any other nation.
    4. Direct the Commission to propose broadband initiatives and applications that address the most pressing challenges facing our nation. As we discuss in subsequent sections, the demand for robust and affordable broadband will grow significantly if America utilizes broadband to:
      1. Modernize our economy to compete globally;
      2. Reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide gas emissions and address the threats that energy insecurity and environmental degradation pose to our nation;
      3. Deliver better health care at lower costs by implementing telehealth and digital health information technology;
      4. Improve education through the use of advanced online technology tools;
      5. Build a 21st-century public safety and national security telecommunications system; and
      6. Increase government transparency and empower greater citizen participation in decision making.
    5. Establish a cabinet-level interagency task force to execute the NBS throughout executive branch departments and agencies. Modeled on the Information Infrastructure Task Force, this task force should be made up of highlevel representatives of federal agencies, including the Office of Management and Budget, in coordination with the CTO. The agencies should develop comprehensive plans and policies to quickly and effectively execute the NBS, including interagency efforts that will cut across bureaucratic silos and stovepipes.
    6. Direct the OMB to issue an annual report on the status of the execution of the National Broadband Strategy, with recommendations for additional steps and funding to ensure that the NBS realizes its goals.
  2. The President should immediately on taking office promote policies to stimulate both demand for, and supply of, robust and affordable broadband, including:
    1. Direct the heads of all federal departments and agencies to take specific action to:
      1. Ensure that affordable, robust broadband is available to all Americans;
      2. Include the use of broadband in meeting the mission of their agency;
      3. Cooperate with the National Broadband Strategy Commission, make the implementation of the NBS one of their highest priorities, and prepare action plans on initiatives their agencies are undertaking to help achieve the goals of the NBS; and
      4. Report annually to the President on the progress of these initiatives.
    2. Direct the National Telecommunications and Information Administration to create a national online broadband mapping system that will aggregate useful and highly granular data on the nationwide availability, speed, and price of broadband;
    3. Open underused spectrum currently reserved for both public and private use for a new generation of wireless devices that will provide robust broadband service over great distances and rough terrain without interference to existing licensed uses;
    4. Support and co-fund state and municipal broadband initiatives to encourage the build-out and support of next-generation broadband networks. Eliminate state and local impediments to state-, municipal-, and community- funded deployment of broadband.
    5. Support deployment of broadband to underserved communities and populations.
      1. Modernize the federal Universal Service Program to support affordable, universal, landline and wireless broadband,2 as well as the Rural Utility Broadband Loan and Loan Guarantee Program, Community Connect Broadband Grants Program, and similar programs to emphasize the build-out of next-generation broadband networks in rural areas.
      2. Stimulate the supply of broadband in low-income communities by requiring as a condition for receipt of federal funding that public housing and other public buildings have robust broadband access available to all residents and tenants.
      3. Initiate and expand programs to extend broadband to persons with disabilities, seniors, minorities, Native Americans, and other populations that are too often on the wrong side of the digital divide. iv. Restore funding for the Technology Opportunities Program that will help develop transforming broadband applications to address the most significant and pressing challenges facing our society.
    6. Stimulate private sector investment in robust broadband.
      1. Accelerate depreciation of broadband equipment and tax credits for significant upgrades to existing network capacity.
      2. Issue federal "Broadband Bonds" to finance, in partnership with private entities, deployment in un- and under-served areas, as recommended in California by that state's Broadband Task Force.3
      3. Anchor Tenancy: Direct the General Services Administration's Public Buildings Service to assess anchor tenancy opportunities as a part of every agency's process to negotiate or renegotiate a telecommunications lease. Anchor tenancy can act as a catalyst, drawing providers to locations that have little or no access to broadband. By Executive Order, the President could require that agencies assess whether anchor tenancy could draw private providers to a surrounding unserved community or upgrade existing network infrastructure, if no other plans exist to do so.
      4. Collocation Facilities: Direct the General Services Administration's Public Buildings Service to offer, at cost, in un- or under-served areas, small spaces on federally-owned properties on which collocation facilities can be constructed. This will both reduce one of the cost barriers and also create "carrier neutral" facilities into which companies can connect with both regional networks and other networks that connect to major Internet connection points in metropolitan areas.
    7. Support open access to the Internet for all users, service providers, content providers, and application providers to the maximum extent possible, while recognizing that network operators must have the right to manage their networks responsibly, pursuant to clear and workable guidelines and standards.
    8. Support federal leadership to eliminate issues and concerns that deter citizens from accessing the Internet. Promote online safety, privacy, and network security. Strongly enforce laws against online criminals, spammers, promoters of frauds, and other illegal actors.

An Action Plan for America | Using Technology and Innovation to Address our Nation's Critical Challenges

by Jonathan Rintels


Executive Summary

Reaching For The American Dream By Connecting Our Nation

Persuasive research indicates that connecting our nation to broadband will bring remarkable economic, social, cultural, personal, and other benefits to our citizens.

While stimulating broadband supply is necessary to achieving the goal of universal, affordable, and robust broadband, it is not sufficient. The NBS must also promote initiatives to stimulate broadband demand. These include programs to ensure that all Americans have access to the digital skills and tools necessary to realize broadband's enormous potential benefits. They also include initiatives that employ broadband-powered applications to address critical challenges facing our nation, including economic growth, job creation, health care, education, public safety, energy consumption, climate change, and others.

By promoting both the supply of and the demand for broadband, a well-conceived NBS will establish a "virtuous circle" in which an increased supply of robust and affordable broadband stimulates creation of applications that produce wide-ranging, valuable social benefits that then cause citizens to demand even more robust and affordable broadband; which in turn stimulates greater investment in more robust broadband; which then stimulates the creation of even more beneficial applications that cause citizens to demand even more robust and affordable broadband.

In this section, we recommend several initiatives to address our nation's critical challenges that will have the added salutary benefit of stimulating demand for universal, affordable, and robust broadband.

Economic Development And Job Creation

Universal deployment and adoption of robust and affordable broadband will stimulate economic growth and create good-paying jobs, according to several private and government studies.

Health Care

Telecommunications technology such as broadband offers a tremendous opportunity to make America healthier and allow Americans to live longer...


We must educate new generations of digitally literate citizens to ensure they are able to compete successfully in today's global workforce and participate in our increasingly knowledge-based society.

Energy And The Environment

By implementing a National Broadband Strategy that includes initiatives to help Americans utilize broadband to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide gas emissions, the new Administration can quickly and meaningfully address the threats that energy insecurity and environmental degradation pose to our nation.

Public Safety and Homeland Security

One of the highest duties of any nation's government is assuring the public's safety and security. One vital element in providing that safety and security is a strong and resilient communications system.

Reinvigorating Democracy and Government

The ability of citizens to use YouTube, and to meaningfully engage in community affairs over the Internet, is entirely dependent on their ability to access the Internet via broadband.


Appendix A: A Broadband Action Plan

Appendix B: Draft Executive Order on President's Council On Broadband, Innovation And Competitiveness

End Notes

Nov 24, 2008 (New health news service)


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   Waxman's New Role Could Be Good News/Bad News for TV Industry
   Obama testing ways to use Internet to govern
   The Obama non-effect on tech
   Where There's Bureaucracy, There's Bureaucracy

   Health News Coverage in the US Media
   Foundation Starts Health Policy News Service
   For World's Sick, Care Via E-Mail

   American youth trail in Internet access
   Google Seduces With Utility

   What's Wrong With This Picture?

   DVR usage making big changes in television viewing

QUICKLY -- Verizon fires workers over Obama cell phone records breach

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[SOURCE: TVWeek, AUTHOR: Ira Teinowitz]
House Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) hails from a district that represents the heart of Los Angeles' creative community: Beverly Hills, West Hollywood and Santa Monica. That could signal that the committee will be less apt to push indecency regulation and more receptive to copyright protection. Networks and media companies, however, may encounter challenges under a Waxman regime. The Democrat in the past has tried to curb drug and tobacco advertising. Marketers also could find their plans to develop targeted advertising in Chairman Waxman's sights, as consumer groups suggest he supports privacy restrictions that could affect media companies' use of customer information. For the television industry, though, the changing of the guard that brought President-elect Barack Obama to power introduces
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[SOURCE: San Francisco Chronicle, AUTHOR: Joe Garofoli]
During the campaign, the Obama team showed how new media tools can be used to win the White House. Now, the president-elect's advisers and allies are previewing how they intend to use the power of online organizing to govern. Analysts say Obama isn't just trying to make government more transparent by posting online videos of himself or his transition team's doings. He is attempting to organize his campaign supporters into a political force that he can tap in tough times - like when he needs to go around Congress and the mainstream media for direct citizen support.
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[SOURCE: MarketWatch, AUTHOR: John Dvorak]
[Commentary] Make no mistake, Obama is not about tech, he's about communications, and while there is nothing wrong with this, don't expect a sudden governmental understanding of the complexities of the tech sector. This means we can expect an awkward approach to tech. We'll see a governmental interest in the superficial and trendy notions that percolate through the society promoted by public relations sources and those with a political agenda. Not all is lost. Most of the tech savvy companies can play the game and pay lip-service to today's memes such as "green-tech." The products that emerge from the tech industry are naturally "green" they just need to be labeled as such. Meanwhile, true tech efforts will be driven by entrepreneurship and invention, neither of which is likely to be helped much by this administration -- unless you are in the Internet or telephony space, that is.
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[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Al Kamen]
The first wave of Obama transition staffers rolled into the government bureaucracy last week to investigate the states of play at various agencies. Best we can tell, things went reasonably smoothly, with perhaps a few exceptions, mostly having to do with security-clearance glitches. One Democratic official said there were some instances in which a "breakdown of communications" between the transition and the White House and an agency or two may have affected things. But a transition source involved in a "breakdown" called it a "massive screw-up."
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[SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation, Project for Excellence in Journalism, AUTHOR: ]
The Kaiser Family Foundation and the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism conducted this study of how the U.S. news media covered health issues over an 18-month period from January 2007 through June 2008. The study finds that news about health and health care made up less than four percent (3.6%) of all news content from January 2007 through June 2008. The study also examines the type of health coverage in the news, and finds that the largest proportion (42%) of the stories were about specific diseases or conditions. Thirty-one percent of health news focused on public health issues, including potential epidemics and contamination of food and drugs. The smallest category of stories focused on health policy or the health care system (27%) of all health news, or less than one percent (.9%) of all news content.
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[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Kevin Sack]
Seeking to fill a niche left by the decline of the traditional news media, the Kaiser Family Foundation is starting a news service to produce in-depth coverage of the policy and politics of health care, both for an independent Web site and in collaborations with mainstream news organizations. With a budget that is expected to reach $3 million to $4 million in two years, the project is one of the most ambitious in a wave of nonprofit online ventures that have emerged as newspapers and magazines cut jobs and newsgathering budgets. While it will be the largest and best-financed project of its kind, the Kaiser start-up service is only one of several by foundations and entrepreneurs aimed at providing serious coverage of health issues.
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[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Kevin Sullivan]
The Swinfen Charitable Trust, a telemedicine charity, uses e-mail to link sick people in poor, remote or dangerous parts of the world with hundreds of medical specialists in some of the world's finest hospitals. Doctors in about 140 hospitals and clinics in 39 nations use the organization to seek help for patients requiring specialized care beyond their capabilities. Through the trust, they can be put in e-mail contact -- often within hours -- with one or more of the 400 specialists who work without pay as part of the trust's network. Doctors in distant areas, including Afghanistan, Antarctica and the Solomon Islands, e-mail photos, X-rays, test results and case notes. The information is reviewed by specialists, who respond by e-mail to help make diagnoses and recommend treatments. The only thing linking all the need and all the expertise is a desktop computer, an improbable global nerve center set amid a cherry orchard and wheat fields in the soft English hills about 75 miles southeast of London.
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[SOURCE: Reuters, AUTHOR: David Lawsky]
Fewer young Americans have Internet access than their peers in the Czech Republic, Canada, Macao and Britain, a survey of 13 countries around the world showed. Among 12 to 14 year olds, 100 percent of British youth use the Internet, followed by Israel at 98 percent, the Czech Republic and Macao and 96 percent and Canada at 95 percent, according to the World Internet report by the Center for the Digital Future. By contrast, only 88 percent of Americans of the same age had access, trailed by Hungary and Singapore, where more than seven in 10 young people use the Internet. Separately, a bulletin by a software company showed mobile phone access to the Internet burgeoning outside the United States, especially in Southeast Asia. The Center report, issued annually in the United States and for the first time worldwide, said mobile phones are used for Internet access "by a very small percentage of users, with the exception of the United Kingdom." But that may be out of date. A monthly bulletin issued by Norwegian software maker Opera Software shows mobile phone Internet access exploding.
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[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: David Carr]
[Commentary] You could credit Google, the largest ad seller in the world, with being a brilliant marketer and advertiser, but when was the last time you saw an ad, not served up by Google, but about Google? Not very often. That's largely because Google's Web platform, in all of its high-functioning glory, is its marketing. "The most powerful form of advertising is to be exceptional," said Ranjit Mathoda, an investor and technologist who blogs at "Google has created an ecosystem that perpetuates itself by being useful."
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[SOURCE: The Nation, AUTHOR: Mark crispin Miller]
[Commentary] For all their economic clout and cultural sway, the ten great multinationals profiled in our latest chart--AOL Time Warner, Disney, General Electric, News Corporation, Viacom, Vivendi, Sony, Bertelsmann, AT&T and Liberty Media--rule the cosmos only at the moment. The media cartel that keeps us fully entertained and permanently half-informed is always growing here and shriveling there, with certain of its members bulking up while others slowly fall apart or get digested whole. But while the players tend to come and go--always with a few exceptions--the overall Leviathan itself keeps getting bigger, louder, brighter, forever taking up more time and space, in every street, in countless homes, in every other head. The rise of the cartel has been a long time coming (and it still has some way to go). It represents the grand convergence of the previously disparate US culture industries--many of them vertically monopolized already--into one global superindustry providing most of our imaginary "content."
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[SOURCE: Associated Press, AUTHOR: David Bauder]
The promise inherent in digital video recorders — that viewers can be in control of their own TV schedules — is rapidly being fulfilled this fall, and the business is changing around it. Nearly 30% of the nation's TV homes have at least one. Nowhere is the impact more apparent than at the CW, where recording the shows and watching them later account for nearly 17% of the network's viewership over a one-week period. Two years ago, it was less than 5%, according to Nielsen Media Research. The time-shifting is more dramatic for individual shows. The CW even had a week where the audience of 18-to-34-year-old women for 90210 increased by a stunning 79% over the live broadcast. Viewing for ABC, CBS and NBC programs are all more than 10% time-shifted now, too. Fox's programming is only 8% time-shifted this fall, in large part because it has shown postseason baseball, which very few people watch later.
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Verizon Wireless has fired employees connected to a breach of records from a cell phone used by President-elect Barack Obama this year. Ari Schwartz of the Center for Democracy and Technology said the employees probably had access to the dates and times of calls, the length of calls and the telephone numbers of those Obama spoke with.
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Waxman's New Role Could Be Good News/Bad News for TV Industry

House Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) hails from a district that represents the heart of Los Angeles' creative community: Beverly Hills, West Hollywood and Santa Monica. That could signal that the committee will be less apt to push indecency regulation and more receptive to copyright protection. Networks and media companies, however, may encounter challenges under a Waxman regime. The Democrat in the past has tried to curb drug and tobacco advertising. Marketers also could find their plans to develop targeted advertising in Chairman Waxman's sights, as consumer groups suggest he supports privacy restrictions that could affect media companies' use of customer information. For the television industry, though, the changing of the guard that brought President-elect Barack Obama to power introduces many new variables, including a Federal Communications Commission that may look askance at media mergers.

Obama testing ways to use Internet to govern

During the campaign, the Obama team showed how new media tools can be used to win the White House. Now, the president-elect's advisers and allies are previewing how they intend to use the power of online organizing to govern. Analysts say Obama isn't just trying to make government more transparent by posting online videos of himself or his transition team's doings. He is attempting to organize his campaign supporters into a political force that he can tap in tough times - like when he needs to go around Congress and the mainstream media for direct citizen support.

The Obama non-effect on tech

[Commentary] Make no mistake, Obama is not about tech, he's about communications, and while there is nothing wrong with this, don't expect a sudden governmental understanding of the complexities of the tech sector. This means we can expect an awkward approach to tech. We'll see a governmental interest in the superficial and trendy notions that percolate through the society promoted by public relations sources and those with a political agenda. Not all is lost. Most of the tech savvy companies can play the game and pay lip-service to today's memes such as "green-tech." The products that emerge from the tech industry are naturally "green" they just need to be labeled as such. Meanwhile, true tech efforts will be driven by entrepreneurship and invention, neither of which is likely to be helped much by this administration -- unless you are in the Internet or telephony space, that is.

Where There's Bureaucracy, There's Bureaucracy

The first wave of Obama transition staffers rolled into the government bureaucracy last week to investigate the states of play at various agencies. Best we can tell, things went reasonably smoothly, with perhaps a few exceptions, mostly having to do with security-clearance glitches. One Democratic official said there were some instances in which a "breakdown of communications" between the transition and the White House and an agency or two may have affected things. But a transition source involved in a "breakdown" called it a "massive screw-up."

Health News Coverage in the US Media

The Kaiser Family Foundation and the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism conducted this study of how the U.S. news media covered health issues over an 18-month period from January 2007 through June 2008. The study finds that news about health and health care made up less than four percent (3.6%) of all news content from January 2007 through June 2008. The study also examines the type of health coverage in the news, and finds that the largest proportion (42%) of the stories were about specific diseases or conditions. Thirty-one percent of health news focused on public health issues, including potential epidemics and contamination of food and drugs. The smallest category of stories focused on health policy or the health care system (27%) of all health news, or less than one percent (.9%) of all news content.

Foundation Starts Health Policy News Service

Seeking to fill a niche left by the decline of the traditional news media, the Kaiser Family Foundation is starting a news service to produce in-depth coverage of the policy and politics of health care, both for an independent Web site and in collaborations with mainstream news organizations. With a budget that is expected to reach $3 million to $4 million in two years, the project is one of the most ambitious in a wave of nonprofit online ventures that have emerged as newspapers and magazines cut jobs and newsgathering budgets. While it will be the largest and best-financed project of its kind, the Kaiser start-up service is only one of several by foundations and entrepreneurs aimed at providing serious coverage of health issues.

For World's Sick, Care Via E-Mail

The Swinfen Charitable Trust, a telemedicine charity, uses e-mail to link sick people in poor, remote or dangerous parts of the world with hundreds of medical specialists in some of the world's finest hospitals. Doctors in about 140 hospitals and clinics in 39 nations use the organization to seek help for patients requiring specialized care beyond their capabilities. Through the trust, they can be put in e-mail contact -- often within hours -- with one or more of the 400 specialists who work without pay as part of the trust's network. Doctors in distant areas, including Afghanistan, Antarctica and the Solomon Islands, e-mail photos, X-rays, test results and case notes. The information is reviewed by specialists, who respond by e-mail to help make diagnoses and recommend treatments. The only thing linking all the need and all the expertise is a desktop computer, an improbable global nerve center set amid a cherry orchard and wheat fields in the soft English hills about 75 miles southeast of London.