FCC Seeks Comment on the Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan
The Federal Communication Commission’s Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB), in conjunction with the Office of Managing Director (OMD), seeks comment on the Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan to develop standard procedures for independent biennial audits of carriers receiving $5 million or more annually from the low-income universal service support program.
By establishing uniform audit procedures to review the internal controls and processes of Lifeline service providers, WCB is implementing another major reform established by the FCC to protect the Federal Universal Service Fund (USF) from waste, fraud and abuse. Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (ETCs) receiving $5 million or more in a calendar year on a holding company basis are subject to this biennial audit requirement. For the first biennial audit, ETCs receiving $5 million or more in calendar year 2013 will be subject to this biennial audit requirement, and will begin such audits in 2014 upon release of the final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.