San Francisco deal on tech-firm buses a helpful step
[Commentary] San Francisco officials and shuttle representatives have reached an agreement. The scores of buses run by some three dozen businesses will use fewer curb spots and pay up to $1.5 million to the city to manage and oversee this private fleet. The modest deal -- which amounts to $1 per bus per stop -- should soothe neighborhood concerns about the buses that stream along Mission, Divisadero and Van Ness during commute hours. The vehicles will be limited to 200 bus stops, down from 230 to 250. The settlement is a positive step. City authorities will study the future effects, not just impose a charge to enlarge their budgets. Aggrieved neighbors will be able to report problems once buses install identifying placards. It's a move that carries symbolic meaning. San Francisco wants to deal with the side effects of an employment boom that has cut the jobless rate in half but also boosted housing costs to new highs. The Google buses are not the cause of the city's growing pains, they are a symptom -- one this new plan should help treat.