FCC Adopts Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Wireless Microphones
The Federal Communications Commission initiated a proceeding to address the long-term needs of wireless microphone users.
The repurposing of broadcast television band spectrum for wireless services following the incentive auction will significantly alter the spectrum environment in which many wireless microphones currently operate. Adoption of this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking fulfills the FCC’s commitment in the Incentive Auction Report and Order to initiate a proceeding to explore how best to accommodate the different wireless microphone users’ needs in the future. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeks to address the needs of wireless microphone users, both licensed and unlicensed, in a comprehensive fashion. The Notice examines wireless microphone users’ needs and different technologies that can address them, including digital technologies. In spectrum bands where wireless microphones currently operate, the FCC seeks comment on potential rule revisions that could accommodate better performance and increased use of wireless microphones. The Notice also seeks comment on authorizing wireless microphone operations in additional spectrum bands, consistent with the Commission’s overall spectrum management goals.
Through this Notice, the FCC intends to enable the development of a suite of wireless microphone devices and applications over the long term that can meet users’ needs efficiently and effectively.