May 2021


Harmonic, Globtel and GeoLinks

Thu, 05/27/2021 - 11:00

Rural broadband accessibility has become a critical requirement whether with fixed wireless, PON and fiber, or cable access networks.

Operators need more efficient, sustainable broadband solutions to provide communities with the high-speed internet and bandwidth capacity required for our ultra-connected future.

Join the broadband network experts from HarmonicGlobtel and GeoLinks to:

About 1,020,000 Added Broadband in 1Q 2021

The largest cable and wireline phone providers in the US – representing about 96% of the residential broadband internet access service market – acquired about 1,020,000 net additional broadband Internet subscribers in 1Q 2021. These top broadband providers now account for about 107 million subscribers, with top cable companies having about 73.7 million broadband subscribers, and top wireline phone companies having about 33.3 million subscribers.


Fiber Broadband Association

Wed, 05/19/2021 - 10:00

Hear from a lead advocate from the state of California on their effort to get the 5th largest economy in the world to adopt a fiber standard in its broadband infrastructure policy. In 2016, the state established a broadband goal of delivering 10/1 mbps Internet access to 98% of its population and have since undergone a dramatic rethinking of its policy approach to include municipal open access fiber networks through bond financing, a broadband plan focused on scalable infrastructure, and several multi-billion dollar proposals focused on fiber at its core.

Broadband Mapping Across the US: Local, State, and Federal Methods & Contradictions

There is an ongoing need to improve broadband data collections with community-level perspectives, affordability metrics, and adoption rates. Inaccurate federal broadband mapping data impacts broadband deployment efforts throughout the United States states and its territories. Using Federal Communications Commission data, state mapping, and submissions from local leaders, this report provides a state-by-state review of broadband access.

Measuring Library Broadband Networks Dataverse

Measuring Library Broadband Networks for the National Digital Platform, is a research grant from by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Leadership Grant for Libraries program (award #LG-71-18-0110-18). The research is led by Dr.