December 2021

Broadband & Democracy

Technology is a tool, a tool that can be used, if distributed equitably, to improve society. At the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society, we are not for broadband just for broadband’s sake. In the "Broadband & Society" part of our name, we recognize that in our increasingly digital lives, equitable access to broadband and a just society are inseparable. Broadband's potential, its promise, is not just quicker communication, but improving education, healthcare, job training and acquisition, economic development, delivering government services, and so much more.

FCC Seeks Nominations for Telecommunications Interagency Working Group

The Federal Communications Commission is seeking nominations for membership on the Telecommunications Interagency Working Group, a group that is being formed pursuant to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act “to develop recommendations to address the workforce needs of the telecommunications industry.” The Act directs the FCC Chairwoman, in partnership with the Secretary of Labor, to establish this interagency working group by January 14, 2022. The Working Group must prepare a report with “recommendations to address the workforce needs of the telecommunications industry, including the


Federal Trade Commission

Thu, 12/16/2021 - 13:00

Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust, and Consumer Rights

Senate Judiciary Committee

Wed, 12/15/2021 - 14:30