July 2022

Is Broadband Recession-Proof?

There are new predictions of a possible recession, and it’s fair to ask if internet service providers (ISPs) should be worried about it. The question of whether broadband is recession-proof is really asking if people will willingly give up the many things that they do online. Is there a point in people’s lives where broadband becomes a necessity that they will fight to keep when times get tough? I suspect most of the people who read this blog think that broadband is essential for daily life.

High Court Blunders & Blinders

It’s time to look anew at individual rights and to broaden our discussion of them to include where we have sometimes gone wrong in safeguarding those rights. This demands more than just questioning court nominees about stare decisis, important as that may be. This is a discussion for we, the people to be involved in. As we ponder the inroads the current high court is making into areas where it really has little writ to intervene, let’s wake up to the fact that its actions are tossing real Constitutionalism out the door, on both policy and process. I say this not to disparage.