July 2022

The Wires That Bind

For years, people have quietly endured exploitative and increasingly expensive internet services while relying on crumbling infrastructure. That all changed recently when a new local cooperative built internet infrastructure in Southwest Detroit. This new internet option, a point-to-point mesh network, is run by organizers from Grace in Action. Created in 2015, the program is called the Equitable Internet Initiative (EII) and is a partnership with the Detroit Community Technology Project.

FCC Responds to CCA Petition Regarding Broadband Data Collection Rules

The Federal Communications Commission responded to a Petition for Declaratory Ruling or Limited Waiver filed by the Competitive Carriers Association (CCA). CCA requested that the FCC issue a declaratory ruling to clarify that Broadband Data Collection (BDC) filings may be certified by either an engineer licensed by the relevant state licensure board (i.e., a Professional Engineer) or an otherwise-qualified engineer. In the alternative, CCA requested that the FCC provide a limited waiver from the requirement that a Professional Engineer certify the data.

Gov Hogan Announces More Than $127.6 Million For Broadband Grants in Maryland

Gov Larry Hogan (R-MD) announced that, through the Connect Maryland initiative, the Maryland Office of Statewide Broadband has awarded more than $127.6 million to local jurisdictions, Internet Service Providers, educational, and community organizations to increase high-speed internet access and affordability.