July 2022

Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Clock is Ticking on 5 Big Winning Bidders, Will it Run Out?

It’s been 18 months since the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) auction was completed and the Federal Communications Commission has not yet released funding for five of the top 10 winning bidders. It’s beginning to look like that isn’t going to happen, considering that the other five top winning bidders have had all or most of their funding released, as have scores of smaller winners. The FCC typically releases a ready-to-authorize list of RDOF winning bidders every month and recently those lists have had only a small handful of smaller bidders on them.


Fiber Broadband Association

Wed, 07/13/2022 - 10:00 to 10:30

Peggy Schaffer, Executive Director of ConnectMaine Authority, will discuss securing $28 million in NTIA grant money and key partnerships she has made for the benefit of her state and its residents. The NTIA Broadband Infrastructure grant was built on a history of community engagement, sophisticated data and targeting, and collaborations with industry partners. This webinar will highlight how Maine is building on this successful model as it develops its strategy for Capital Projects funds, BEAD, Middle Mile and DEA programs.

It’s summer but Shentel isn’t interested in fiber island hopping

Regional US operator Shenandoah Telecommunications (Shentel) is staking out a number of new beachheads as it works to expand its fiber network, but operator representatives said it has no interest in island hopping. Instead, they said it plans to focus on building out a contiguous network, citing reliability and operational benefits. Shentel in June 2022 announced plans to expand its network footprint into the state of Delaware. It is initially targeting more than 21,000 locations in Sussex County (DE), with engineering in progress and construction expected to ramp in early 2023.

Computer Refurbishing and Cybersecurity on House Agenda

The Majority Leader of the House of Representatives announced bills that will be considered under suspension of the rules in that chamber. Under suspension, floor debate is limited, all floor amendments are prohibited, points of order against the bill are waived, and final passage requires a two-thirds majority vote. The bills include:

How Does the Internet Work and What Are the Implications for Broadband Policy?

The internet is, as its name suggests, a complex “network of networks.” And sending an email or accessing a webpage requires data to transit multiple networks, owned and operated by different internet service providers (ISPs). Policymakers working to improve the availability and affordability of high-speed internet service, or broadband, need to understand how data travels across the millions of miles of pipes, cables, wires, and other equipment owned by various ISPs between users across the country and around the world.