October 2022

AT&T Is Counting on Government Stimulus Dollars to Help Fund Its Broadband Future

AT&T Chief Executive Officer John Stankey  considers the expansion of AT&T’s fiber network part of his strategy to refocus the company around offering greater telecommunications connectivity now that it’s left behind its dream of being a media powerhouse.

Dollars to Megabits, You May Be Paying 400 Times As Much As Your Neighbor for Internet Service

AT&T, Verizon, EarthLink, and CenturyLink disproportionately offered the worst internet deals to neighborhoods that were formerly redlined, whose residents are lower income and have a higher concentration of people of color than other parts of the city.

Rural America is Losing Patience

Local broadband advocates and politicians tell me that folks with little or no broadband are hounding them about when they are going to see a broadband solution. A large part of the frustration is that folks have heard that broadband is coming to rural America, but they aren’t seeing any local progress or improvement. A big part of the reason for this frustration is that folks aren’t being given realistic timeframes for when they might see a solution.


National Broadband Resource Hub

Fri, 10/21/2022 - 14:00

A discussion on how local and state governments can engage with the Federal Communications Commission’s Fabric Challenge Process.

The FCC’s national broadband map hinges on a fabric of “broadband serviceable locations” on top of which providers report service availability . Fixing inaccuracies in the initial versions of the FCC’s map will be vital to accurately distributing broadband funding from the infrastructure bill.

FCC's ACP Pilot Programs Coming Soon

The Federal Communications Commission set guidelines for two pilot programs aimed at increasing both awareness of and participation in the Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households (and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands). On October 11, the FCC provided an update on the implementation of the pilot programs.