Public Notice

Conditional Approval of Axon Networks' 6 GHz Band Automated Frequency Coordination System
The Federal Communications Commission's Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) conditionally approved AXON Networks to operate an automated frequency coordination (AFC) system to manage access to 6 GHz band spectrum by standard-power unlicensed devices. Under this conditional approval, AXON Networks will not be permitted to begin commercial operation of its AFC system until it completes a rigorous testing process, which may begin immediately. This process will require that AXON Networks’ AFC system undergo both lab testing and a public trial.

FCC Selects UL as Lead Administrator of Cybersecurity Labeling Program
The Federal Communications Commission announced the selection of UL LLC to serve as both the Lead Administrator and a Cybersecurity Label Administrator (CLA) of the agency’s voluntary cybersecurity labeling program for wireless consumer Internet of Things products. UL Solutions describes itself as a global leader in applied safety science with a distinguished heritage and long history of operating at the forefront of safety science enhancing consumer safety.

Chairwoman Rosenworcel Appoints Native Nations Communications Task Force Members
Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel appointed twenty-one Tribal members and five FCC members to the FCC’s renewed Native Nations Communications Task Force. The Task Force is comprised of elected and appointed leaders, or their designees, from a broad cross section of Native Nations, as well as senior staff and decision-makers from across the FCC. Chairwoman Rosenworcel named Bambi Kraus, Chief of the FCC’s Office of Native Affairs and Policy, as Task Force Co-Chair. A Tribal Co-Chair will be elected by the Tribal members of the Task Force.

NTIA Seeks Comment on Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program data collection
The Department of Commerce, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and continuing information collections, which help the Department assess the impact of our information collection requirements and minimize the public’s reporting burden.

Mercury, PVT, Cable One, and Fidelity RDOF Defaults
The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau announced that certain Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) census block groups (CBG) are now eligible for other funding programs.
Michigan Capital Projects Fund Performance Report 2024
The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO), home to the Michigan High-Speed Internet Office (MIHI), is directed under state law to operate a broadband grant program consistent with the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund. The Realizing Opportunity with Broadband Infrastructure Networks (ROBIN) Program is designed to support the deployment of broadband infrastructure to locations currently without 100/20 megabits per second (Mbps) service.

SpaceX Authorized for Operations at Lower Altitudes
The Federal Communications Commission's Space Bureau granted the application of Space Exploration Holdings, LLC (SpaceX) to construct, deploy, and operate a constellation of second generation non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) fixed-satellite service (FSS) satellites, known as its Gen2 Starlink constellation.

Consumer Alert: Some Internet Service Providers Advertise Affordable Connectivity Program
Consumers shopping for new devices and considering making changes to their existing home or mobile broadband service plans this holiday season may find that some internet service providers have not updated their websites and other marketing materials to reflect that the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and its monthly discount on broadband services ended on June 1, 2024. Some provider websites even continue to collect personal information from consumers seeking enrollment in ACP.

FCC Issues Temporary Waiver of Certain Lifeline Rules and Allows T-Mobile to Provide Service on Emergency Basis
The Federal Communications Commission takes emergency action to ensure continuity of Lifeline service for the Lifeline households formerly served by Q Link Wireless LLC prior to its suspension. The FCC finds good cause exists to temporarily waive certain Lifeline requirements to prevent disruption to certain Lifeline subscribers’ service in the wake of Q Link’s suspension from the Lifeline program.

Final Proposal Guidance for Eligible Entities
The purpose of this document is to outline the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Final Proposal Guidance to assist states and territories in submitting quality Final Proposals for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. This document is intended solely to assist recipients in better understanding the BEAD Program and the requirements set forth in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for this program.