
Americans’ Social Media Use
Social media platforms faced a range of controversies in recent years, including concerns over misinformation and data privacy. Even so, US adults use a wide range of sites and apps, especially YouTube and Facebook. And TikTok – which some Congress members previously called to ban – saw growth in its user base. According to a Pew Research Center survey of 5,733 U.S. adults conducted May 19-Sept. 5, 2023:
Report on the Performance Audit of the Affordable Connectivity Program
At the request of the Federal Communications Commission's Office of Inspector General, Kearney & Company audited the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) between November 2022 and August 2023. The objective was to determine if the FC implemented the ACP in accordance with the requirements of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Overall, Kearney observed the following:

Artificial Intelligence: The Government Accountability Office's Work to Leverage Technology and Ensure Responsible Use
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is exploring internal use of artificial intelligence (AI) to make its work for Congress and taxpayers more efficient, in-depth, and effective. By developing these tools, GAO is also gaining insight into the benefits and risks of AI, which will help GAO evaluate other agencies' use and better provide technical assistance to Congress. As of January 2024, GAO is exploring the following eight AI use cases:

Fiber Deployment Annual Report
The Fiber Broadband Association partnered with Cartesian to research the cost of fiber deployment and provide insight on how costs are evolving over time. While no two deployment projects are alike, we found many common themes:

BITAG: Overview of Broadband Technologies
Broadband internet access is central to our society and economy. Tens of billions of dollars are now being allocated for construction of new last mile connections.

Improving Broadband Access Across Idaho
In Fiscal Year 2023, the Idaho Office of Broadband and Idaho Broadband Advisory Board (IBAB) continued its mission of improving Broadband access across Idaho. The Office of Broadband, the department hired a new State Broadband Program Manager to oversee the office — Ramón S. Hobdey-Sánchez.

The Impact and Importance of the Affordable Connectivity Program
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is helping close the digital divide in America by supporting internet access for over 22 million households. Based on a national survey of ACP Participants conducted by Benenson Strategy Group in collaboration with Comcast, the program is helping people realize the full benefits of the internet—telehealth access, educational resources, increased economic mobility, and improved social connections. The survey found that people are also concerned about what will happen if the program no longer exists.

Gaps in internet use narrowed among older adults with Medicare during the COVID-19 pandemic but persist
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted that accessing healthcare providers can be difficult for older adults, especially those with multiple chronic conditions who depend on primary care for disease management. The internet is a powerful tool for increasing access to healthcare information, resources, and social supports. Unfortunately, there is a “digital divide” in internet connectivity and use associated with social and demographic characteristics. During the pandem

Equity-Based Grant Administration at NTIA: A Case Study
The Internet powers education and the economy, supports our health and well-being, and connects us to our neighbors and those we love. Four agencies are leading the historic effort to connect the entire nation and provide Internet for All. This case study captures insights from the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). NTIA knows that meaningfully connecting everyone in America requires more than Internet access alone.

Evolved spectrum usage rights: A catalyst for liberal spectrum management reform
Radio spectrum is critically important to the functioning of modern society but is a scarce resource in great demand. Ideally, it should be allocated to the most valuable uses in a country and used as intensively as possible. Yet, we are far from this, with spectrum use entrenched for decades and much of spectrum unused for much of the time.