A Peek into the Political Biases in Email Spam Filtering Algorithms During US Election 2020
Email services use spam filtering algorithms (SFAs) to filter emails that are unwanted by the user. However, at times, the emails perceived by an SFA as unwanted may be important to the user. Such incorrect decisions can have significant implications if SFAs treat emails of user interest as spam on a large scale. This is particularly important during national elections.
Toward new guardrails for the information society
Increasing interdependencies and deepening uncertainty change how the information society can be governed sustainably. In response, policy approaches worldwide are being reconsidered and new approaches developed that are more appropriate to these conditions. This research explores the conditions under which policies that worked in the past remain appropriate and when they will likely fail. It explores the role of dynamic analytical frames and a reconsideration of the normative principles of information society policies in overcoming these weaknesses.
Impact of Modernization on the E‐rate Competitive Bidding Process: Funding Years 2017 to 2021
To receive E-Rate support, applicants must follow specific procedures established by the Federal Communications Commission and use an online portal called EPC. Applicants use the EPC system to notify vendors of Requests for Proposals (RFPs), report the results of their local competitive bidding process, and submit funding requests to USAC, the E‐rate program administrator. The purpose of this white paper is to provide data and applicant feedback about the performance of the current system.
Conquering the St Louis, Missouri, Digital Divide: Steps Necessary to Bridge the Gap
The St Louis (MO) Community Foundation released a report on the digital divide in St Louis and the steps necessary to bridge the gap. This report provides a detailed and actionable assessment of the digital landscape in St Louis City and County. The digital divide impacts broad swaths of the St Louis population, and is most acutely felt by low-income and minority communities. This assessment positions St Louis to understand the breadth and depth of the digital divide, and establishes the necessary framework to catapult the city as a national leader in digital equity.
Cut Off From the Courthouse: How the Digital Divide Impacts Access to Justice and Civic Engagement
After exploring the connection between broadband policy and access to courts, civic engagement, and government services, this report by Next Century Cities and the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic at the University of California-Berkeley offers the following conclusions:
A longitudinal analysis of broadband provision in tribal areas
While disparities in broadband in rural areas are well documented, little research exists about broadband in tribal communities. This gap means we lack information about the trajectory of broadband deployment in tribal areas. It also means we lack comparative information about the similarities or differences in the trajectory of broadband deployment in tribal areas compared to non-tribal areas (e.g. urban and rural areas).
Lifeline Data - 4th Quarter 2021
The Lifeline National Eligibility Verifier (NV) data from Q4 2021 is now available on the Lifeline Program Data webpage. During the fourth quarter of 2021, the NV received 4,379,229 applications. Of the applications received, 49% were qualified automatically, and 7% were qualified through manual documentation review. Of the applications submitted, 1,927,028 applications were determined to be “Not Qualified” because they did not meet the program criteria and were not resolved by the applicant within 45 days. For more program data, including participation rates and disbursements, visit
Big Gap in Valuations Puts Private Companies in Broadband Catbird Seat
There has always been a valuation gap between public cable and private communication operators that offer internet, cable and phone services. In this report, we attempt to quantify the valuation gap and the factors driving it, and why it’s important to rural operators. We also weigh in on where we think valuations are headed. Key findings include:
Omdia 5G Report Shows 5G to Reach 1.3 Billion Connections by the End of 2022
Omdia's 5G Consumer Broadband Pricing Tracker for Q4 of 2021 projects 1.3 billion 5G connections by the end of 2022. The company reports that 303 million 5G connections were added worldwide during 2021, reaching a total of 521 million.
Keeping Communities Connected: Library Broadband Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The American Library Association released its new report "Keeping Communities Connected: Library Broadband Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic." Key takeaways include: