ACA Connects Alerts FCC to Problem in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

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ACA Connects alerted the Federal Communications Commission of potential misconduct among some Emergency Broadband Benefit Program providers. ACA Connects says some participating providers are performing a large and growing number of benefit transfers without the household’s apparent knowledge or intent. "The best explanation for this trend is that the providers in question are attempting to game the reimbursement process by adding households shortly before the 'snapshot date.' When these providers are successful, they receive the full benefit for that month, while the ACA Connects member or other provider that had been serving the household for virtually the entire month loses any right to claim any reimbursement," ACA Connects told the FCC.

ACA Connects is asking the FCC to investigate this matter. Moreover, ACA Connects suggests that the FCC consider modifications to the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program including 1) promoting a more seamless “handoff” from one provider to another when a benefit transfer occurs and 2) reconsider denying reimbursements for months of service when a customer de-enrolls before end of the month.

ACA Connects Alerts FCC to Problem in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program