Chairman Jordan Seeks Documents About Biden-Harris Censorship Pressure on Artificial Intelligence Companies

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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent letters to AdobeAlphabetAmazonAnthropic PBCAppleCohereInternational Business Machines Corp.Inflection AIMetaMicrosoftNvidiaOpen AIPalantir TechnologiesSalesforceScale AI, and Stability AI seeking all documents and communications with the Biden-Harris Administration related to content moderation and suppression as the Committee conducts oversight of how and to what extent the executive branch coerced or colluded with artificial intelligence companies and other intermediaries to censor bias. To inform legislative reforms to protect Americans' civil liberties in light of developing AI technologies, the Committee must fully understand the nature and extent of the Biden-Harris Administration's censorship efforts. 

Chairman Jordan Seeks Documents About Biden-Harris Censorship Pressure on Artificial Intelligence Companies