Three Western NC Counties Set to Receive High-Speed Internet

The N.C. Department of Information Technology’s Division of Broadband and Digital Opportunity announced more than $10 million in Completing Access to Broadband program projects to connect 2,762 households and businesses in Cherokee, Clay and Macon counties to high-speed internet. These projects will be funded by more than $7.5 million from the federal American Rescue Plan awarded by NCDIT and nearly $2.6 million from selected broadband providers: 

  • Cherokee County: CND Acquisitions Corp. (Peachtree Broadband Fiber): This award will provide high-speed internet access to 749 locations (27.43 percent of the county’s 2,731 eligible locations).
  • Clay County:  Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation: This award will provide high-speed internet access to 1,602 locations (99.26 percent of the county’s 1,614 eligible locations).
  • Macon County: Frontier Communications of the Carolinas, LLC: This award will provide high-speed internet access to 411 locations (13.25 percent of the county’s 3,102 eligible locations).

Three Western NC Counties Set to Receive High-Speed Internet