Affordable Connectivity Plan Set To Expire Despite Last-Ditch Funding Efforts

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The outlook for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) remains terminal, with none of the multiple late-hour efforts in Congress intended to replenish funding for the depleted program appearing close to achieving that goal. The cancellation of the ACP, which comes at a time when the US broadband industry is already bleeding customers, with Comcast Cable president and CEO Dave Watson telling investors to expect increased customer attrition in the second and third quarters. On a consumer level, the ACP’s sunset could leave more than 23 million U.S. homes paying up to $40 more each month for internet service, or canceling their service altogether. And, according to a White House fact sheet, nearly half of ACP subscribers have historically been military families, with seniors, African Americans and Latinos also relying on the service in disproportionately higher rates. 

Affordable Connectivity Plan Set To Expire Despite Last-Ditch Funding Efforts