Alabama to give $100 million in internet vouchers for low-income students

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Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) has allocated $100 million in federal CARES Act funding to increase access to internet for K-12 students who will be doing virtual learning when school starts. “Despite the upheavals in our lives during the past few months and at least into the near future, children must be able to continue their classroom instruction,” said Gov Ivey. “This funding will expand internet access to allow more students to access distance learning while creating smaller classes in schools that provide those options and will also ensure their safety during the pandemic. While I respect those districts that have elected to use remote learning, I fear that a slide will come by keeping our kids at home,” she continued. “These funds will bridge the gap until all students can get back into the classroom as soon as possible."

The program, called Alabama Broadband Connectivity (ABC) for Students, will provide vouchers for families of students currently eligible for free and reduced-price school meals, or other income criteria. The vouchers will help cover equipment and service costs for high-speed internet service from the fall through Dec. 31. Families with children who receive free or reduced school lunch will be mailed a letter in August to explain how to access the program.


Alabama to give $100 million in internet vouchers for low-income students