Fact Sheet: President Biden Highlights Commitments to Customers by Internet Service Providers to Offer Affordable High-Speed Internet Plans, Calls on Congress to Restore Funding for Affordable Connectivity Program

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May 31st is the final day that households will receive any benefit from the Affordable Connectivity Program on their internet bills. Without Congressional action to extend funding for the program, millions of households are now at risk of losing their internet connections. President Biden is once again calling on Congress to extend funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program, so tens of millions of Americans can continue to access this essential benefit. In the absence of funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program, President Biden remains committed to doing everything possible to ensure families continue to access affordable high-speed internet. The White House highlights voluntary commitments to customers from over a dozen internet service providers to offer plans at $30 or less to low-income households through 2024, so that families across America can continue accessing low-cost internet. This includes commitments from small, rural carriers that serve a single region and larger providers that cover multiple states.

FACT SHEET: President Biden Highlights Commitments to Customers by Internet Service Providers to Offer Affordable High-Speed Int