Governor Kelly (D-KS) Commits $30 Million to Increase High-Speed Internet Availability

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Governor Laura Kelly (D-KS) highlighted a new program aimed at helping Kansas communities that lack high-speed internet. The Lasting Infrastructure and Network Connectivity (LINC) program will provide $30 million in competitive funding opportunities to build the infrastructure needed for more homes and businesses to access broadband. The goal of the LINC program is to reduce the cost of internet service, increase its availability, and improve its performance for users. LINC will provide opportunities for increased adoption of the internet by focusing on funding for: 

  • Broadband infrastructure enabling end-user locations with a minimum of 100/20 Mbps speeds. 
  • Internet Exchange Point facilities to improve the overall internet access service quality for all Kansans. 
  • Middle Mile infrastructure to reduce overall costs in delivering broadband to end-users. 

Entities eligible to apply for the LINC program include internet service providers, political subdivisions, tribal governments, cooperatives, and non-profit organizations. Projects in higher-cost, rural areas are eligible for greater public matches to encourage providers to build out otherwise financially unviable areas. Projects submitted to the Capital Projects Funds program can be considered for these awards. 

Governor Kelly Announces $30 Million to Increase High-Speed Internet Availability