Meet the Women Transforming the Broadband Industry: 7 Women Driving Digital Inclusion

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The broadband industry is constantly evolving. New developments in internet connectivity, from Li-Fi to 5G internet, have changed how we get online over the years. But as far as leadership goes, most authority positions in broadband still belong to men. Even while male leadership tends to make most of the decisions regarding broadband deployment and policy, notable women have been making strides in digital equity -- often working to contribute to the growing demands of the digital divide with minimal recognition or representation. In honor of Women's History Month, a list (in no particular order) of seven outstanding women in broadband who have contributed to internet accessibility over the years.

  1. Jessica Rosenworcel, former FCC Chairwoman
  2. Jordana Barton-García, Connect Humanity
  3. Gigi Sohn, American Association for Public Broadband
  4. Anna Gomez, FCC commissioner
  5. Shirley Bloomfield, NTCA's Rural Broadband Association
  6. Kathryn de Wit, Pew Charitable Trusts
  7. Angela Siefer, National Digital Inclusion Alliance

Meet the Women Transforming the Broadband Industry: 7 Women Driving Digital Inclusion